Trump Refuses to Confirm Confidence in Bannon – Looks Like He’s Gone

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2017

Well, this is really hard, man.

My heart has been broken in two.

But we kinda knew this was coming.


President Donald Trump did not give a definitive answer when asked by the New York Post on Tuesday whether he still has confidence in his chief strategist, Steve Bannon.

“I like Steve, but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late,” Trump told the newspaper. “I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn’t know Steve. I’m my own strategist, and it wasn’t like I was going to change strategies because I was facing crooked Hillary.”

A White House spokeswoman confirmed to CNN on Tuesday night that Trump spoke to the New York Post and the quotes in the story are accurate and stand for themselves.

The President acknowledged the widely reported infighting between Bannon and Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, saying he told them to “straighten it out.”

“Steve is a good guy, but I told them to straighten it out or I will,” Trump told the newspaper.

The first major signs of Bannon’s diminishing stature in the White House came last Wednesday, when he was removed from his permanent seat at the National Security Council.

Reports tell of an ideological divide between Bannon and Kushner that has split White House staff and has stood poised to determine the administration’s agenda moving forward.

Rival factions have emerged, pitting those aides who consider themselves nationalists — including Bannon and policy adviser Stephen Miller — against a more global-minded wing led by Kushner, economic adviser Gary Cohn and deputy national security adviser Dina Powell, according to two sources familiar with the situation.

This is looking bad.

If he wasn’t planning on throwing Bannon under the bus, he wouldn’t be cagey like this.

This is happening.

It’s looking like Bannon’s going, Tillerson’s going, maybe even Sessions is going – anyone who isn’t on the MAKF (Make America Kiked Forever) bandwagon is getting dumped.

I hope I’m wrong, but I believe our President is being held hostage by vicious Jews.

If Bannon goes, I’m off the train, just so you understand – I’m off the train.

Breitbart will be off the train with us, down in the anti-war Nazi trench.

We’ll sign up Bannon to run a Spencer/Gabbad campaign, which is anti-war and white nationalist (but accepts native Hawaiians because whatever it’s a colony they can live there I don’t care).

Actually… I think I’m done with electoral politics after this.

Again – I hope I’m wrong.

But it looks like there is a looming threat/blackmail being used against Trump and he no longer has control of his administration.

There are all sorts of things they could have done. We have no idea. They could have injected his whole family with a virus that requires an antidote injection every 24 hours. They could have threatened all kinds of things.

It obviously isn’t that he was in on it from the beginning, because if that were the case, he wouldn’t have set everything up with Bannon and Flynn and a pro-Russia stance to begin with. And also that theory doesn’t make sense on really any other level either.

This was not a setup. The Trump phenomenon was real. Trump was our guy.

One man tried to take on the entire world.

He fought for us.

But it is beginning to look like he lost that fight.


We appear to be witnessing a coup which none of us understand the details of, but which is centered around a bunch of neocon Jews.

I do believe our President is still in there somewhere.

But we have to accept right now that we may never see him again.

Adios, mi general.


So listen to that once, then listen to this one.

Then we’re moving forward.

It’s time to try something else.