Let’s Shut Down the Kikes Who Fund Antifa Violence

Daily Stormer
March 9, 2017

Wow, that’s some nice info

Nationalist activist Max Macro uncovered the financial backers of various violent antifa groups. Basically, this super-kikey organization, “United for Equality and Affirmative Action Legal Defense Fund” (UEAA) is a front group for radicals.

“Dedicated to achieving equality in America.”

It says right on their front page that they’re affiliated with BAMN, which organized various antifa events targeting Trump supporters. I mean, just look at their own website:

Also, remember this antifa bitch from the Berkeley riots? She was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.

Yvette Falarca is one nutty Beaner.

She’s the leader of the Bay Area chapter of BAMN. This gives you an idea of what kind of business they’re about.

BAMN is one of the larger and better organized antifa organizations in America. They’re the people bussing in people to shut down Milo university appearances and attack Trump rallies.

Even run-the-mill leftists fear and loathe them:

There’s an entire blog dedicated to all the horrors that people have experienced in or dealing with BAMN.

And where does their money come from? From these kikes:

Shanta Driver is actually one of the two leaders of BAMN, too.

BAMN is basically a Marxist terrorist organization. And they need to be stopped.

In order to do that, their fundraising front organization, the UEAA, must be reported to the IRS for violating the conditions of their 501(c)(3) non-profit charter. Basically, these types of corporations can’t be involved with politics, let alone the illegal terrorist activities they support.