Linus Admits NSA Demanded He Install a Backdoor in Linux

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 22, 2013


Linus Torvalds, creator of the alternative, opensource operating system Linux, admitted while speaking at LinuxCon panel that he was approached by the NSA and told to install a backdoor in the operating system.

This was to have been assumed, as the Jews who run the NSA are obsessive neurotics intent on controlling everything on the planet.

The report in EWeek indicates that Linus indicated that he denied them the opportunity:

Torvalds was also asked if he had ever been approached by the U.S. government to insert a backdoor into Linux. Torvalds responded “no” while [nodding] his head “yes,” as the audience broke into spontaneous laughter.

Though he would indicate that, wouldn’t he?