Anyone could have guessed that forcing people to stay inside their homes, to stop going to work, to stop meeting with friends and loved ones, and to hear a neverending stream of news telling them that everyone’s dying and that anyone could be next, would be detrimental to their physical and mental well-being.
The sad thing is that most people are still processing what I mentioned above and have yet to realize that the economy is destroyed, that jobs are gone, and that nothing’s ever going to be the way it used to be.
Once it clicks that the world is going to present radical changes in a very short period of time, the psychological health of huge chunks of the population is going to crumble.
If you add to that the realization that coronavirus is literally just the flu, you have a recipe for mass suicides.
Everything’s been destroyed for literally no reason.
Even if you don’t catch the coronavirus, your health still can suffer significantly, particularly if you’re living near a hot spot or are faced with heavy restrictions. A new study by researchers at the University of Sydney shows some of the earliest evidence that the outbreak deeply affects people mentally in addition to physically.
The preliminary results show that adults in locations more severely affected by COVID-19 suffered from distress, lower physical and mental health overall, and lower life satisfaction.
Researchers from three Australian universities — the University of Adelaide, Tongji University, and the University of Sydney — surveyed 369 adults living in 64 cities in China after they had lived under confinement and shelter-in-place measures in February.
Lead author Dr. Stephen Zhang of the University of Adelaide said the study determined that adults suffering from existing health conditions and those who were laid off, or otherwise stopped working, as those affected the most by the quarantine.
“We weren’t surprised that adults who stopped working reported worse mental and physical health conditions as well as distress,” said co-author and University of Sydney professor Andreas Rauch. “Work can provide people with a sense of purpose and routine, which is particularly important during this global pandemic.”
And while it may seem that the benefit of having more time to exercise would be a good thing. Yet, interestingly, the study revealed that people who exercised more than 2.5 hours per day reported worse life satisfaction. Conversely, people who exercised for half an hour or less reported the opposite.
“We were really surprised by the findings around exercising hours because it appears to be counter-intuitive,” noted Dr. Zhang. “It’s possible adults who exercised less could better justify or rationalize their inactive lifestyles in more severely affected cities. More research is needed but these early findings suggest we need to pay attention to more physically active individuals, who might be more frustrated by the restrictions.”
In some places, like in the United Kingdom, the government is actively trying to keep people from exercising, doing home projects, or getting some sunlight.

It’s almost as if they wanted all of people’s energy to be focused on panicking.
Almost as if they were benefiting from the panic.