LOL Factory Explodes, 6 Million Dead: Anonymous Doxes Ben Garrison

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2015

I was wrong to ever doubt you.
I was wrong to ever doubt you, Anon. The spirit of /b/ still reigns in your hallowed halls.

I had a policy of not writing about Ben Garrison anymore, given that he’d gone underground. But I must break my silence.

Anonymous, as part of their #OpKKK, just doxed Zyklon Ben.

From their ultimate pastebin post, which the media has been talking about for a week and a half:

Ben “Zyklon” Garrison AKA Wyatt Mann AKA Skeeter
Gladeville, Tennessee
Associates degree in Applied Science, HVAC
Attended White House High School
Disavowed by the KKK, has a million aliases
described as an “alpha nazi” by those that know him
Hangs out on /pol/  & cartoonist hobby
“rebuked by others for his extremism”
“the Aryan Brotherhood, and the Hammerskin Nation for his levels of rampant, psychotic hatred.”
“Truly a demented nexus of omnidirectional loathing in the shape of a man”
Also Known As:
Ben “One Man Klan” Garrison
Ben “The Walking Holocaust” Garrison
Ben “Nigger Grave Digger” Garrison
Ben “Chimp Choking Champion” Garrison
Ben “Six Million More” Garrison
Ben “Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger” Garrison
Ben “Kike Killing Kommando” Garrison
Ben “Montana Merchant Mangler” Garrison
Ben “One Man Auschwitz” Garrison
Ben “The Ten Ton Terror of Tel-Aviv” Garrison
Ben “The Racial Pain Hurricane” Garrison
Ben “I Ain’t Afraid of no ZOG” Garrison
Ben “Holocauster Tycoon” Garrison
Ben “Aryan Vs. Predator” Garrison
Ben “Beaner Brainer” Garrison
Ben “Nuke the Spooks” Garrison
Ben “Frag the Fags” Garrison
Ben “Sambo Killin’ Rambo” Garrison
Ben “Kebab Shishkebab” Garrison
Ben “Three Reichs and You’re Out” Garrison
Ben “Gas The Kikes, Even The Tykes” Garrison
Ben “Killin’ Schlomo in Slo-Mo” Garrison
Ben “Kike on a Spike” Garrison
Ben “Slope Slicer” Garrison
Ben “Aboriginal War Criminal” Garrison
Ben “Mash the Marxists” Garrison
Ben “Roma in a Coma” Garrison
Ben “Threw a Rock at a POC” Garrison
Ben “Let’s Get this Shoah on the Road” Garrison
Ben “Y’all Gonna Panic When You See This Germanic” Garrison
Ben “Goin’ Mental on the Oriental” Garrison
Ben “Drowned the Chink in the Kitchen Sink” Garrison
Not much is known about Garrison’s early years, or what inspired him to racial
violence. Some argue he was a product of his time and locale in an era of sudden
racial progress; others say he’s the bastard son of Hitler himself, reincarnated with a
vengeance. However he acquired his views, he’s been stirring shit up since at least
the nineties, when he joined the banner of former Klan Dragon Tom Metzger’s White
Aryan Resistance under the pseudonym A. Wyatt Mann, to publish racist and anti-
Semitic cartoons promoting white supremacy. There’s never been an official word
on this, but his immortal style is unmistakable:

I can’t even hardly take it.

This is too much. They listed all of his aliases…!

And yes, this is from the official @Operation_kkk account. Not the one they said was fake when they fail doxed a bunch of government officials.

I haven’t even been through the whole list, or even much of it. Just released a half an hour ago as I write.

I’m guessing there is more than one other lol in there. I don’t yet know what percentage of this operation was manufactured by Heroic Warriors of Truth and Justice, but the fact they went ahead and listed the aliases makes me believe the whole thing was organized by such beacons of freedom.

I knew you were still /b/. All is forgiven.
I knew you were still old /b/. All is forgiven.

Anonymous, you truly are just as great as you said you were. A force for good in the universe.

Sieg Heil, brothers.