Macedonia: Undocumented Vibrant Suspected of Killing Five People

Word on the street is that the vibrant got upset because someone referred to Macedonia as “FYROM.”

Then an American tourist emerged from the crowd and said, “ACKSHUALLY, it’s the Republic of Macedonia.”

Disagreements were had.

Violence ensued.

Voice of Europe:

Commander of Unsko-Sanska County Police Mujo Koričić in an interview for Bihać TV USK confirms that the illegal migrant that has been arrested as suspect in the participation of the murder of five people.

The person was arrested two weeks ago for other criminal offences while additional verifications found an arrest warrant for him being charged with murdering five illegal migrants during a mutual conflict in Macedonia.

The identity of the illegal migrant has not been confirmed but police in the Bihać area are dealing with an increase in criminal offences due to the migration crisis. Police have recorded 250 criminal offences: attempted murder, rape, serious theft, and burglaries.

Koričić says the arrival of new migrants in Unsko-sanska County has been halted in the past days. Over the past six days, about 700 migrants have been returned from the county borders, Koričić said.

‘There is no entry into the county until further notice’ , he said, but he also confirmed that the accommodation capacities in the centres in Sarajevo where the migrants return are already filled.