Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 29, 2020
Coronavirus is a nothing burger and a hoax, but the economic fallout from it is going to be very real.
People can say “I don’t care about the economy,” but you’re going to care when you don’t have a job or any money and the Democrats and Republicans all go full-Rand Paul and say they can’t print your free money because they have to give it all to the Jews.
Hobby Lobby is a right-wing Christian company that refused to close and then was forced to close. Now everyone loses their job. You’re going to see this all the way down the line with every business. They can’t keep people employed if the government forced them to close.
Oklahoma-based retail craft store giant Hobby Lobby began laying some employees off Friday, a day after it shut down its Oklahoma stores and cut affected employee pay in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Hobby Lobby employees told The Frontier that 32 employees in the company’s art and creative department were given notice on Friday that their jobs had been terminated.
“It is with a tremendously broken heart that I’ve been forced to take these unimaginable actions, and I genuinely hope you know that my prayers are with you and your family,” wrote Darsee Lett, vice president of the company’s art and creative division, in a letter to the terminated employees. “It has been such an honor having you on my Team. I truly and deeply appreciate your service to this Department and the Company, and with you the very best as this calamity hopefully ends in the very near future.”
The letter also states that the layoff is permanent, encouraged employees to file for unemployment and stated that a Hobby Lobby representative would come by the employees’ homes to drop off any personal belongings and pick up any Hobby Lobby-issued equipment and badges.
The layoffs come one day after the company, which has more than 900 stores and 43,000 employees across the country, shut down its stores in Oklahoma in response to an executive order issued by Gov. Kevin Stitt ordering all non-essential businesses to close down to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus. Hobby Lobby stores in most other states, including Texas, California and New York, have also been shut down, while stores in states such as Minnesota, Arkansas and Georgia remain open.
The laid-off Hobby Lobby workers are now the latest casualties of the economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. According to U.S. Department of Labor numbers released Thursday, first-time unemployment claims skyrocketed to 3.3 million for the week ending March 21. In Oklahoma, initial unemployment claims increased from the previous week by 965 percent to 17,720 by last Saturday. And those numbers are only likely to increase, as Stitt’s executive order mandating non-essential businesses be closed was not issued until this week.
I don’t believe in government bailouts for corporations as a rule, but when the government is forcing these businesses to shut down because of a viral internet hoax, how are they not going to bail them out?
They will bail them out.
The person who isn’t getting bailed out is YOU.

The best you can hope for is that the government will tell your kike landlord he can’t evict you. But he’ll probably go ahead and turn off your utilities.
I think Trump might try to get us unlimited free money, but with the difficulties he went through getting us just $1200, what is the likelihood he’s going to be able to establish a permanent UBI (universal basic income) to deal with this new normal?
The idiocracy government is planning on keeping things shut down well into summer, even after the virus is long gone. People are going to start rioting eventually – when the hysteria wears off – and I guess they’ll probably bomb them or send in killer robots or something.

And what is going to happen in the fall, when the virus comes back and will probably be much more virulent? We’re just going to shut down in September again?
If we’re entering into a new system where everyone is locked in their houses all the time, we need to figure out the money issue immediately.
Maybe we should just enter full and absolute communism, and the government should build massive Soviet style housing blocks for everyone to live in and then just do food deliveries?

Such a situation would certainly cut down on the kinds of degeneracy we’ve got going on in this society, and it would completely end immigration.
I just don’t know how you structure a society based on everyone being permanently locked in their rooms. I’m trying to work out the details in my head, and I’m just not there yet.
Anyway, I guess it could end up being funny.
I hope I don’t get arrested for saying it’s a hoax. They are definitely now committed to everyone believing that they are in immediate threat of dying from the flu.