Maybe the Bear Wouldn’t Have Been Messing with the Kid If He Didn’t Look Like Such a Pussy?

Bro, if you go around looking like you should be messed with, bears are going to start messing with you.

How about man up, pussy?

New York Post:

A black bear waltzed into an Arizona cabin Thursday and mauled a 15-year-old boy watching TV before the teen’s brave family chased the bruin off.

Brigham Hawkins, who suffers from a rare neurological disorder, was watching television after a long day of fishing in Alpine when the bear walked through the open front door of his cabin.

The black bear took several swipes at Hawkins, sparking a furious effort by his loved ones, who were in a nearby cabin, to fend off the beast after they heard the boy screaming, according to reports.

“He hadn’t realized it because it came in from behind, and it reached over and like swiped at his face twice. Got him on the nose and the cheek and then went ahead and got his forehead and the top of his head,” his mother Carol Hawkins told AZ Family.

Brigham’s older brother, Parker, heard the commotion and rushed to his sibling. At first, he thought it was a giant dog, but quickly realized it was a bear when it started pursuing him, his mother told 12 News.

“Parker ran up on the porch and went into the other cabin to get away from the bear,” she recalled.

“And the bear just paced back and forth on our porch.”

Just stunting on niggas.


Meanwhile, Brigham’s father sprinted to help his son in the cabin as he suffered injuries from the brazen attack, Carol Hawkins said. He made it safely and called 911.

This is exactly what I’ve been saying.

This is why bears are getting all the pussy while white men are going extinct.

Look at this little bitch:

Bro looks like he couldn’t lift a glass of water.

Bears are drilling pussy like oil rigs drilling for black gold while the white man don’t even lift.