Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2015

The all-American restaurant McDonald’s is being attacked by hordes of disgruntled savages, allegedly having “racially harassed” its employees at three stores in Virginia.
And get this – they weren’t even corporate McDonald’s’, but franchises. And these Blacks want to hold corporate responsible for the executive decision of a franchise owner who didn’t want his stores to be a ghetto.
Ten ex-workers filed a civil rights lawsuit Thursday morning, claiming they were fired after supervisors said there were “too many black people in the store.”
The complaint alleges that about 15 African-American employees were fired on the same day in May last year after a large number of white employees were hired in March.
When they asked why they were losing their jobs, the franchise owner Michael Simon allegedly told them they “didn’t fit the profile.”
Simon, the owner of three franchise locations in Virginia, declined to comment for this story. But when allegations first surfaced in local media outlets in May, he issued a statement that said he has a “strict policy of prohibiting any form of discrimination or harassment in hiring, termination, or any other aspect of employment.”
Ex-worker and plaintiff Katrina Stanfield said she was regularly harassed and remembers a supervisor saying “it’s too dark in here.”
After Stanfield was fired, she called McDonald’s corporate to report what she felt was discrimination. “But I never heard back,” she said on a phone call with reporters.
“McDonald’s closely monitors everything we do, from the speed of the drive-through line, to the way we smile and fold customers’ bags — but when we try to tell the company that we’re facing discrimination, they ignore us and say that it’s not their problem,” said Pamela Marable, in a prepared statement.
A McDonald’s spokeswoman said Thursday that the company had not yet seen the lawsuit, but that “discrimination is completely inconsistent with out values.”
To be honest, I am not a big supporter of McDonald’s, as they have shown a consistent disregard for the health of their customers and the environment with their vicious capitalist practices. I don’t even like the excuse that “people choose to eat there,” because mostly people choose to eat there because they are poor and work constantly and don’t really have much of a choice.
However, one thing I like less than McDonald’s is Black people. All they do is whine whenever they are called out on their own incompetency and general unlikeableness. As a society, we need to ask not “how can we stop Blacks from being fired?” and instead ask “why are these Blacks constantly getting fired?”
Black people, particularly Black women (which are generally the only Black people who work), can be extremely rude in customer service jobs. One thing I do buy from McDonald’s on a regular basis is coffee, and if I know a branch has a lot of Black people, I will avoid it in favor of one with Whites (or Mexicans for that matter), because even going through the drive-thru the Black employees are unpleasant and highly likely to serve stale coffee or become confused when counting my change.
Instead of having more Blacks in McDonald’s, we need to focus on having less Blacks in America through programs of mass sterilization and deportation.
Just for the record here, McDonald’s has a Black CEO. It is one of the only Fortune 500 companies which features this.