Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 2, 2020
Donald Trump’s instincts on this Corona hoax have been correct all the way through. He started out saying it was just the flu. But he’s of course now been bullied into totally collapsing the economy by the media and a bunch of boomers.
It’s sad.
Now they’re pushing him towards an even more extreme lockdown. I think he’ll probably do it.
He is a man who is very easily bullied by people waving around public opinion polls. And they have to do this.
President Trump is holding back on declaring a nationwide stay-at-home order, even as some governors resist imposing restrictions that Trump’s top public health officials say are needed to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
The president has been reluctant to wade into matters he argues are better left to governors. But the pressure is growing for Trump to be decisive as Republican-led states like Texas, Iowa and Missouri are among the final holdouts to issue stay-at-home directives.
Lawrence Gostin, director of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University, said Trump may not have the legal authority to halt interstate travel or require governors to lock down a state. But the president has yet to fully use the power of his bully pulpit to encourage them to do so.
“What President Trump could do is send a much clearer signal that he wants all governors to do a lockdown on their states, to guide them about what that lockdown would require and what the standard should be,” Gostin said.
He has the authority.
This hasn’t sunk in for anyone yet because this situation is so utterly surreal, but there aren’t laws anymore. None of that stuff matters now. The old system is over. They are not going to be able to run this new system by following a strict system of laws. Everything is going to be done by fiat.
This is now government by piracy.
Administration officials have repeatedly stressed the best-case scenario — resulting in 100,000 to 240,000 deaths — will only be attained if Americans rigorously follow federal social distancing guidelines that urge people to stay at home when possible and keep a distance of 6 feet from others when outside.
But since roughly one-third of states have yet to issue statewide stay-at-home orders, there are questions about why the White House allows the patchwork approach to persist in lieu of a firmer national decree.
“My advice to America would be that these guidelines are a national stay at home order,” Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Wednesday on NBC’s “Today” show. “They’re guidelines that say the more we social distance, the more we stay at home, the less spread of disease there will be.”

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, dodged a question about whether the federal government should ask every state to implement a stay-at-home order, telling NBC everybody should “strictly follow” federal guidelines.
And Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House coronavirus response, told reporters Tuesday that Trump and Vice President Pence “trust the American people to understand that they can be outside, take walks, be 6 feet away from anyone else and be in their homes, and we trust them to do that without having to lock down.”
Governors across the country have largely taken the decision out of Trump’s hands. More than 30 states have issued stay-at-home orders for residents. But the holdouts have mostly been red states, including some with large populations that could suffer without stronger mitigation measures.
The president has shown an unwillingness to lean on GOP Govs. Ron DeSantis of Florida or Greg Abbott of Texas to shut down their states, even though DeSantis on Tuesday explicitly said he would do so if the White House urged him to.
“Different kind of a state,” Trump said Tuesday when asked about DeSantis’s comments. “Also, great governor. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Has a very strong view on it. And we have spoken to Ron.”
DeSantis gave in a day later, signing an order Wednesday urging residents to “limit movements and personal interactions outside the home.”
It doesn’t make any difference at this point. You’re just firing bullets into a corpse.
All of the important states are already closed, so forcing governors to do a total lockdown in the few holdouts is not going to do anything at all in terms of the coming collapse.
What it will do is allow the federal government to continue the lockdown as long as they think they can. Because keeping this going is now the name of the game. As long as we’re all locked down, no one is going to know what has happened to the economy.
But look: it’s over.
America’s role as the prominent actor on the world stage is over after a reign that lasted a mere hundred years.
The middle class is going to become a third world style poverty class.
There are going to be tens of millions of homeless people on heroin and shitting in the streets.
Most of us are going to be standing in line waiting for food handouts from the government.
The military is going to be permanently stationed on the street to keep the blacks from rioting.
This is the beginning of the end of everything.
It’s gonna be GREAT.