Meet Your Next President David French and His Master Bill Kristol

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2016

It takes bold vision to stand up and say “NO! We will not make America great again!”

There is a man with such a vision – Israeli Jew William Kristol. And he has a puppet, a brave, chinless goy-toy named David French.

Together, they will overcome all odds against them. They will continue the traditions of conservatism.

Conservatism isn’t about having a great country. It’s about fighting wars for Israel, free trade with China and open borders with Mexico. You might not think this is great, and it probably isn’t – but it is the principles and the values of the Constitution.

It’s time to throw away your dreams and ignore reality.

It’s time to get back to true conservative principles.

This is happening, and you don’t have a choice.

Vote David French 2016.


Some men sell their souls to the devil for money and power. David French sold his chin to the devil for conservative principles and the Constitution.

This is all entirely serious – 100%.


If David French is serious about launching a last-minute presidential run, he’ll face no shortage of challenges, starting with getting his name placed on the ballot in all 50 states.

French, a constitutional lawyer and National Review writer, faces as slew of looming deadlines for getting himself on enough state ballots, either as an independent or as the nominee of another third party. In fact, French has already missed the cutoff in South Dakota and Texas, a treasure trove of electors for Republican candidates or those who appeal to their voters.

French would need to get nearly 90,000 signatures in North Carolina by June 9 to appear on the ballot there, according to Ballot Access News. Illinois, Indiana, and New Mexico all have deadlines before July. All told, French would need about 600,000 signatures for a run if he appeared in some states as in independent and in others as a third-party candidate from an already established party, or as many as 900,000 if French insisted on eschewing existing third parties, according to Ballot Access News editor Richard Winger. Pulling off such a feat, Winger notes, would not come cheaply.

“I don’t think name recognition is all that important, but money is hugely important,” Winger said.

French might, for instance, need to pay many of his signature gatherers, perhaps even $2 or $3 a signature, Winger said.

Courted to run by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, French could probably win a challenge to the earliest deadlines in court, but that would also require money, Winger said.

Still, Winger pointed out that several presidential candidates who weren’t running as Democrats or Republicans have successfully gotten on 45 or more ballots in recent decades, some of whom decided in the summer they would run. Former South Carolina Governor Strom Thurmond, for instance, decided to make a pro-segregation run after the Democratic convention in 1948, although he didn’t end up on all the ballots, Winger said.

Would the media be writing articles about it if it weren’t serious?

For true conservatives, the choice is clear: there is only one man who can prevent America from becoming great again.

David French 2016.