Members of Trump’s Secret Cervix Detail Say They Weren’t Warned of Alleged Ear Scratcher

Wait, so we’re back to blaming the local cops again?

I guess that bitch resigning didn’t really fix the problem.


New York Post:

Members of ex-President Donald Trump’s Secret Service detail have lodged complaints that they were not informed that local cops were tracking a suspicious person at the Pennsylvania rally where a gunman shot him in the ear, according to a report.

The detail complained to agency brass that it was not included in multiple alerts sent in the 25 minutes before Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on the Republican presidential nominee, three insiders told The Washington Post.

The detail members were also disastrously kept out of the loop when local counter snipers lost track of Crooks and when another local officer saw the 20-year-old perched on the roof of a nearby building with a gun, they claimed.

Gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks first raised suspicions when he passed through the security screening area with a rangefinder, a device similar to binoculars used by hunters and target shooters to measure distances for long-range shots — three hours before he opened fire.

An officer spotted Crooks using the rangefinder and looking at his phone nearly an hour before Trump took the stage.

He was reported a third and final time minutes before the shooting. Two officers saw him on the roof and took pictures of the suspicious person for their alerts, which either weren’t acted on or received in time to avert the tragedy.

It looks like there’s an “every man for himself” type situation developing where the men on the SS team don’t want their careers destroyed forever for having been a part of this debacle.

Probably, some of them are going to start slipping in the shower, falling out of windows, and committing suicide.