Meme War II: The Internet vs. CNN

Daily Stormer
July 6, 2017

Well, well, well.

CNN thought they had a clever little scheme going on. They thought they could publicly blackmail an internet shitposter and in so doing, strike fear into the hearts of all shitlords.

They thought this would actually earn them a victory in their war against the internet.

Oh, boy.

Instead, they’ve just triggered MEME WAR II.

The combatants? On one side, you have CNN. On the other side, the entire internet (minus a few irredeemable deviants, I guess).

They’ve made themselves the target of an infinite stream of precision-guided, military grade autism, the power of which the world had never before seen.

/pol/’s meme artilery always hits its mark.

If they thought HanAholeSolo’s little GIF was bad, they have another thing coming.

This is a small sampling of the anti-CNN memes that have been produced in the past few hours:

What CNN has done is focus the entire energy of the internet on themselves. They are now an ant being burned up by a magnifying glass.

At this point, there might not be anything anyone can do to stop the coming onslaught.

Immediately after the fact, weev wrote an article explaining to CNN that they needed to fire everyone involved, publicly apologize and compensate HanAssholeSolo for their unhinged behavior. Maybe that could have saved them.

But instead, they’ve doubled down.

And so begins the biggest meme offensive since the Trump campaign.

God have mercy on their souls.