Memetic Monday: Irish and Dogs Need Not Apply

During Cory Booker’s now infamous speech at the confirmation hearing for that black bitch, he rambled about the “experience of America” and the “promise of America becoming something it never was but which it was always truly meant to be.”

Only a mulatto could have given such a speech.

During it he compared black people to the Irish (which they are want to do, despite the fact that blacks have been here much longer than the Irish and have not integrated, whereas it is impossible to identify an Irish person unless they are involved in the Old East Coast culture). He tried to quote “No Irish, No Dogs,” a sign that appeared on some pubs during the “Gangs of New York” period, when fresh-off-the-boat Irish were discriminated against (primarily because they were involved in both petty and organized crime).

He crossed it over with different signs, which read “Irish need not apply.”

So he said “Irish and dogs need not apply.”

I think that was the funniest thing I’ve heard in the last week. The whole speech was nutzo.

Anyway, I hope my memes can bring you as much joy as Booker brought me this week.

This is my editor’s pick of the week:

This is my runner-up. To be fair, this is OC made by me, which is against the rules for editor’s picks, but not for runners-up.

Here are the rest.

Cringe, boomer, racist, autistic – we’ve got it all, folks.

Post-Credits Scene

Post-Post-Credits Scene