Memetic Monday: Putin’s Tax on Brass

It’s been a long march through the Ides of March.

I put this article off until the end of the day, and it’s already like noon in normal human time, so we better get down to brass taxes.

First order:

Why are the taxes on brass so damn high?

Is it because of a war in the Ukraine?

Are these “Putin’s brass taxes”?

I will do some research and get back to you.

All I know is that in the 90s, when I was building my brass collection, we never paid any brass taxes like in these days.

Second order: 

My editor’s pick of the week meme.

You already know it – it’s the one at the top, baby.

No, just joking. That one is good, but this is my real editor’s pick of the week:

No, joking again. (Though I am glad to see that style coming back into fashion.)

It’s this one:

No, but really: my editor’s pick is this OC from an OG:

As an honorable mention, here’s this one:

Screenshots of anything being a meme without edits or comments are something I’m becoming more and more of a fan of the weirder things get.

Here are the rest of the memes.

Edgy, boomer, cringe: we’ve got it all, folks.

One stop shop.

Post-Credits Scene