Michael Avenatti was Ripping Off Hundreds of Thousands From Stormy Daniels When They Were Both Top News

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 23, 2019

Michael Avenatti literally did all of the crimes.

He beats women, he does embezzlement, he does tax evasion, he does fraud, and he just outright steals from his own clients, without even trying to cover it up.

He’s a mastermind.

He was supposed to be running for president, I thought. But I haven’t heard about how his campaign is going recently.

I stand in awe of this man, and I would absolutely vote for him.

We’ve tried a businessman president – now it is time to try a pathological career criminal.

The fact that he was ripping off Stormy Daniels, his star client, right when they were the biggest media story in America, shows that he is completely incapable of not committing crimes at any time.

It’s brilliant.

Daily Mail:

Federal Prosecutors have charged Michael Avenatti with ripping off his former client Stormy Daniels – the latest in a string of legal woes for the controversial attorney.

Avenatti, who was Daniels’ lawyer and helped set the political stage for her high-profile crusade against Trump, is accused of misappropriating funds belonging to the ex adult film star amounting to nearly $300,000, prosecutors announced.

The 48-year-old is accused of forging Daniels’ signature which meant two payments of $148,750 were sent to a bank account under his control, which he then used for personal expenditure while lying to his client about the whereabouts of the money.

The indictment states that Daniels was owed four large installments in return for her tell-all book deal, which was negotiated and secured by Avenatti on her behalf.

Before the literary agent wired the second of four installments as part of the advance, Avenatti allegedly sent a forged letter instructing them to send all future payments to a client trust account, which was in Daniels’ name but controlled by him.

The literary agent then wired $148,750 to the account, which Avenatti allegedly began spending for his own purposes including on airfare, hotels, car services, restaurants and meal delivery and online shopping – as well as on the payroll for his law firm and another business he owned, the damning charging document states.

When Daniels began to question why she was yet to receive her second installment, Avenatti allegedly claimed to be in the process of obtaining the payment from the publishers.

One month later, he allegedly used funds recently received from another source to pay Daniels back in a bid to cover his tracks.

The following week, the third installment of of $148,750 allegedly reached his account, which he then began spending on lease payments on his luxury car, airfare, hotels, restaurants and even payments to someone he had a close relationship with.

Avenatti then claimed that the book publisher was refusing to make the payment, despite Daniels’ desperate demands for her missing funds.

This man is absolutely SAVAGE.

Just imagine what a great president he’d make.

You’d have Jews trying to funnel funds to wars and trannies and every other goddamn kike scheme, and they’d be like “President Avenatti, where’s the money?”

And President Avenatti will be like:

I mean, I’m all for trying a communist at this point, but the step between a racist orange businessman and a communist is obviously a career criminal with a mental disorder that causes him to rob everyone he ever meets, so if there’s a way we can convince this guy to join the race then I am strongly in favor of doing that.