Michigan: All-Moslem City Council Fires Employees Who Broke Anal Flag Ban

This is so good.

Every city in America should be run by Moslems.

The Post Millennial:

The all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan has fired city staffers of the town’s Human Relations Commission after they flew a Pride flag on public property, in violation of a recently passed resolution banning the practice.

Russ Gordon and Catrina Stackpoole allegedly raised the flag on a city flag pole during a protest near Neibel Street on Sunday.

According to the Detroit News, Hamtramck city council voted unanimously to relieve the city staffers of their duties on Tuesday, with City Manager Max Garbarino confirming shortly after that the flying of the Pride flag was the reason behind the decision.

“This Council believes in fairness, neutrality towards our residents, and the rule of law, amongst other things for this community,” Council member Khalil Refai said in a statement. “We passed a resolution recently to do just that, and two of our sworn commissioners outright defied it, and did what they wanted.”


“We were elected by the people of the community to make these decisions,” Refai continued, “and they not only violated the resolution but the trust of the whole community by doing this. For this reason, Council felt the appropriate response was to remove them from their public positions of trust.”


I still can’t believe that in 2018, conservatives ran with “gay people should join conservatives so we can protect you from the Moslems.”

I want Moslems to protect me from conservatives.

Just look at these freaks

Tucker Carlson, who is supposedly far right, claims that fisting is “love.”

Have you seen this documentary called “The Gift”?

That is what Tucker Carlson calls “love.”

I’m tired of faggot kiddie rapists and I’m tired of their supporters like Tucker Carlson. I say replace him with Abdullah Muhammed.