Microsoft’s Four-Day Work Week Experiment is a Success, Boosts Productivity by Nearly 40%

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2019

It turns out that forcing people to spend an arbitrary amount of hours in the workplace doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll spend that time doing something productive.


Microsoft Japan said sales had been boosted by nearly 40% during an experiment in which staff worked a four-day week on full pay.

Offices were closed on every Friday of August 2019 and full-time staff were given “special leave”, which was paid.

Meetings were restricted to a maximum of 30 minutes and online discussions were encouraged as an alternative to face-to-face.

Japan has some of the longest working hours in the world.

During the month-long trial, electricity consumption had been reduced by 23% and paper printing by 59% compared with August 2018, Microsoft said.

They boosted their sales and they reduced their electricity consumption and paper printing, so they reduced their costs and increased their earnings. Pretty impressive.

The technology giant said it was planning to implement a second Work Life Choice Challenge this winter but would not be offering the same “special leave”.

Staff would, however, be encouraged to take time off to “rest smartly”, it said.

Come to think of it, I’m surprised that Sweden, for all of its talk about Equality, doesn’t have three-and-a-half-day work weeks.

Half of the week working, half of the week not working — an equal, fair, and progressive split.

In contrast, Jack Ma, co-founder of Chinese online shopping giant Alibaba, has championed 12-hour working days.

In April 2019, he described the “996” pattern, in which workers do 09:00-21:00 shifts, six days a week, as “a blessing”.

It makes sense.

The Chinese are great at doing stuff. The Japanese, however, are much more creative. This difference in creativity may translate into different optimal approaches for different people. It would be nice if someone would run a similar four-day work week experiment in China to compare the results.

Further speculating about this subject, it is worth keeping in mind that white people have colonized more parts of the world than any other group, and that what drove our ancestors to do that is now wasting away inside random offices buried deep within the grey of cities.

Intentional or not, money serves as a mechanism of control. The goyim spend most of their time trying to earn it, and they don’t have time to ask many questions or the energy to notice some things.

It could really be just a side effect of money, but there’s no denying that if white people didn’t have to work in order to put a roof over their heads and food on their tables, the inquisitive spirit of our ancestors would manifest again, stronger than ever.

Some groups wouldn’t like that to happen.

With good will, current technology, and a part of the tax money that Americans already pay, the United States could run food production for its people. America could use its wealth to create taxpayer-owned companies that generate wealth for all Americans.

Instead, the money is going to Israel — either directly or through the military (that fights for Israel) and other schemes.

The problem isn’t a lack of resources but a lack of intention and good will.