Mikhaila Peterson BTFO by Daily Mail, Does Angry Camwhore Show as Response, Flexes Muscles

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2018

Jordan Peterson’s huge slut of a daughter has recently been BTFO by Daily Mail. Said slut responded in the standard fashion: by making an angry video response where she mumbles incoherent nonsense and takes her clothes off.

You can also see her having trouble breathing. Could that be because of her diet?

Note: Leave a comment in her video or blog and point her out to my articles about her. Why Does Jordan Peterson Think He’s a Father Figure When His Daughter is a Huge Slut? and Mikhaila Peterson Begins Camwhore Career After Abandoning Her Baby and Failing as a Wife. Let's see what she thinks of those.

Transcript below. Errors are her own.

Hey everyone. My name is Mikhaila Peterson, welcome to my channel. I just wanted to put this video up as a very quick thank you to Daily Mail, their article is posted below but I wanted to thank them for making the article but correct a few things.

One —the article is about fake food news just to give everyone a background about how people come up with wacky ideas and then put them on the internet and it’s a danger to society— so two… couple of things, couple of things. One if you’re gonna write an article about fake news you should probably get your facts straight so I’m not 28 I’m 26 I don’t have a 100,000 subscriber on Youtube, maybe one day, so that’s a couple of things they just got wrong off the bat, that’s basic journalism.

It’s not their fault you look older, Mikhaila.

Secondly the type of arthritis I have doesn’t just go into… doesn’t just like go away so I didn’t have a knee flareup that was occasional and now it’s gone I had a hip and an ankle replacement at 17 from my arthritis, I had 37 joints affected, I buh-was on medication from 7 until 24 it doh-didn’t just disappear.

Secondly it’s not cured it’s in remission and it’s in remission because of my all-beef diet. Now I can understand why I’m getting a bit of backlash because an all-beef diet does sound kinda of crazy but you’d think that these journalists would at least admit that maybe we’re missing some information. For instance I didn’t know that you could actually only eat beef and not get scurvy and die, so the fact that we don’t as a community we don’t even know those basic facts at least if you’re gonna write a hit article I’d be like a little more apologetic.

Only eat beef and not get scurvy and die… instantly. You’ve been doing this for a year. Let’s see how you do in 5.

Let’s see… the other thing I should say is I’m not selling anything, I do consultations for people who really want to talk to me and ask specific questions.

So you’re selling consultations, but you’re not really selling anything?

Everything else is on my blog or on the internet my diet is all beef that’s all I eat. I tell people how much I eat about you know two and a half pounds a day they like that’s it I’m not selling it.

You’re lying to your audience, Mikhaila. That’s not all you eat. You told Joe Rogan you get most of your calories from tallow.

Secondly I don’t really care if people do it. If they don’t do it it’s more meat for me.

That’s your third “secondly,” Mikhaila. Do you know how to count?

Let’s see what else…

So this article in particular claimed to be trying to save people from the dangers of fad diets. Maybe if the food guide wasn’t making people sick and the medical system worked we wouldn’t have to resort to weird diets. Then this article and a whole bunch of the other articles they’ll grab some random dietitian as if they’re more qualified to talk about food because they went to a school that taught whatever food companies wanted them to learn that’s still probably 30 years out of date and that dietitian will say “oh no no god don’t do this it will make you sick it’s dangerous it’ll cause cancer vitamin deficiencies” they don’t say when, so maybe next time an article is written at least put a deadline on it so these poor people who are doing these fad diets will know when they’re gonna die. So obviously it’s not a year because I’ve been on it for a year and the only thing that’s really changed other than all my health problems go away going away are my B vitamins are normal now instead of depleted, so that could be explained by somebody.

Chances are they at least learned to count in school.

Let’s see what else…

Oh another thing that I think should go on these articles is whatever dietitian they’re asking for their opinion should have to at least put a picture up so we can judge whether or not they’re healthy and yes I’m suggesting you can look at someone and see if they’re haf—see if they’re healthy because I looked green and puffy and now this is what I look like and I’m gonna stand up cause I’m actually pretty happy with myself.

(does camwhore show)

So yeah I know I look like I’m dying now.

Why don’t you remove all that makeup so we can judge whether or not you’re healthy, Mikhaila?

Let’s see what else…

(sighs, does slut face)

Yeah the timeline on how long it takes to get sick would be good because if it’s like “oh this diet is gonna make you sick in 30 years” is it it’s gonna make us sicker than the standard american diet? Probably not. There have been people doing this like heavy meat diets for decades and they’re not just doing okay, they’re thriving, but anybody can do whatever they want. I’m here to tell people that if they are as desperate and as miserable as I was, there’s another option.

I went through the healthcare system for over 20 years and I thought I was in good hands and I wasn’t. I was in a whole slew of medications and I was dying. I was erupting in a whole bunch of random ss-ss-symptoms and sleeping (voice cracks) constantly in chronic pain and I couldn’t wake up. It was horrible. So I’m here to tell you if take responsibility for your health and look for answers yourself go out and find them and search until you can’t search anymore… that may be a better option than relying on somebody else. I figured this out through seriously painful trial and error and I wouldn’t wish that on anybody.

So these negative articles aren’t going to shut me up because if I can help one person stop feeling like I used to feel it’s worth it and I get letters saying “thank you I’m not sleeping all the time I’m not miserable I don’t wanna kill myself” so I’m gonna keep doing me, they can keep doing them, but at least if they write an article about fake news they should get some of the stuff right like my age. Or a better idea: instead of putting me as 28 put me at like 35 and instead of saying I have 1 kid say I have 5 because that’ll make me look even better.

What is it with you Petersons and letters? Your father used to tell everyone how he got all those support letters from trannies back when he started attention-whoring a couple of years ago.

Anyway I think that’s it so again thank you Daily Mail for the free advertising and see you guys next time.

“Free advertising”

“I’m not selling anything”

How dumb is this slut? She thinks selling consultations is not selling anything, she can’t even count.

One, one, secondly, secondly, secondly.

Her family is cursed and insane.

From her blog:

I need to figure out what’s wrong because Dad isn’t as careful as me and he keeps getting hit with things in restaurants (because he’s out so much). The diet isn’t as sustainable for him because he’s so sensitive. If he could tolerate little bits of things on his food he’d be fine. And even if we’re supposed to be mainly eating meat as a species, you shouldn’t be that ill if something just touches your meat. So there has to be another explanation.

Dr. Jordan Peterson suddenly turned into his daughter.

She’s a failed wife and a failed mother that abandoned her baby to whore around.

What did she mean by that? Did she abandon her daughter to go slut around in Europe?

Really, who does that to their little kid? She abandoned the only person in the entire world that actually needs her.

Mikhaila Peterson needs to wash her vagina.