MILO Plots Revenge on Berkeley University!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2017

MILO, a right-wing Jewish homosexual pervert has said of his planned Berkeley comeback: “if there’s grass on the field, play hockey.”

Hollywood Reporter:

Milo Yiannopoulos is plotting his comeback, allegedly to take place at UC Berkeley, whether university administrators like it or not.

“In light of recent controversies, I am planning a huge multiday event called Milo’s Free Speech Week in Berkeley later this year. We will hold talks and rallies and throw massive parties, all in the name of free expression,” Yiannopoulos said on his Facebook page Friday.

Yiannopoulos wouldn’t say who is backing the effort, financially or otherwise, nor would he say which, if any, student group has invited him to speak at Berkeley.

Insiders say there is much more to Yiannopuoulos’ plan to reinvent himself after mainstream conservatives threw him overboard once audio surfaced of him appearing to endorse gay sex with mature children as young as 13.

After that, a $255,000 book deal was canceled, as was his planned keynote address at CPAC. He also left his job as an editor at Breitbart News, and he has been out of the limelight since.

“I will bring activists, writers, artists, politicians, YouTubers, veterans and drag queens from across the ideological spectrum to lecture, march and party,” Yiannopoulos wrote on his Facebook page. “I intend to return Berkeley to its rightful place as the home of free speech — whether university administrators and violent far-left antifa thugs like it or not.”

Yiannopoulos wouldn’t say when his Berkeley stint is scheduled, beyond later this year, but he also alluded to a “Cinco de Milo” event on May 5 and other plans for his “grand comeback tour.”

So are antifa actually going to show up to protest grown men sodomizing 13-year-old boys?

Because it’s never been clear to me exactly what antifa are fighting for, but I thought that was one of their top priorities.

At the same time, it’s never been clear to me what the Jew MILO was fighting for, other than the pederasty thing.

So, if they fight, what will they be fighting about?


Could be an interesting riot, I guess.

The last one certainly was.

Though I certainly hope none of our guys go to get involved.

Pederasty is bad optics, under any circumstances.

Conversely, I do hope our guys are at Ann Coulter’s thing.

That’s on Thursday, May 4th.

Mark it on your calender. Wear a black mask and bring a trashcan shield. And only act in self-defense.



Though I can promise you, you’re going to be getting to do a lot of acting. Because the Pepsi-revolutionaries always attack you first.

We need to demonstrate total dominance of the away field, and short of staging an event in Tel Aviv, Berkeley is it.