More High Schools Removing Honors Classes Because Blacks and Mexicans are Dumb

It’s a shame these colored folks are so slow.

I mean, it’s fine, and it’s truly an inspiration to watch them struggle against the most basic human activities as if they were attempting to thrash their way out of the jaws of a giant shark.

But they’re really making any kind of progress impossible for Western civilization.

These primitive people among us are a millstone tied to our neck.

Campus Reform:

The Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD) in California is citing racial equity as the reason for removing honors English classes for high school students, disadvantaging students hoping to compete for top universities.

This is part of a national pattern of K-12 school districts decreasing the potential higher education opportunities for students in order to advance a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda.

The Education Trust, an equity-focused think tank, claims that minority students “experience inequitable access to advanced coursework.”

CCUSD English teachers presented data to the school board earlier this month showing that Latino and Black students were underrepresented in honors and AP English classes, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.

Replacing honors classes with a one-size-fits-all curriculum is intended to “ensure students of all races receive an equal, rigorous education,” The Wall Street Journal reports school officials as saying.

Some CCUSD parents, however, do not see this as an opportunity to enrich their children.

One mother told Fox News, “My daughter, who is a sophomore has said that it’s not working … She’s now getting like an A+++ in her English class … [and] the class is kind of a joke.”

Pedro Frigola, a concerned father from CCUSD, told “Fox and Friends” that “right away [he] was troubled” by the district’s “Equity, Social Justice, and Inclusion Plan,” which justified the removal of honors English.

The CCUSD Equity Advisory Committee explains that “equity is [the district’s] moral obligation,” according to the PowerPoint document.

“We are working to cultivate a liberated learning environment that is free of bias,” the plan reads. Concrete objectives of the plan include increasing concepts of gender equity, LGBTQ+ issues, and critical race theory in classrooms.

“Examining equity” regarding “access to AP/Honors Courses” is also listed as a specific goal of the plan.

Removing access to honors classes, however, could potentially make it difficult for high-performing students to compete for college admissions with students from districts that continue to offer advanced classes.

A similar situation occurred last month when Virginia school districts came under sharp criticism for using equity as an excuse not to inform students of their national merit scholarship eligibility.

What this means is that white students (and Asians if there are any) are unable to advance intellectually, being held back and kept at the level of the blacks.

This is similar to the way that whites are abused by the police and treated like criminals because the police also have to deal with blacks, but have a policy of treating everyone the same.

This is the purpose of this whole “equity” agenda, in fact. Everyone knows that blacks in particular, as well as Mexicans, cannot be brought up to the level of whites. Therefore, “equity” can only bring us down to their level.

This is fully understood. This could very easily be run through an AI simulation, which would give the definitive answer that making low-performance the norm would never push up low performers, and always bring down high performers. It’s also just very obvious, and you don’t need a social simulation to prove it.

“Equity” is just a wrecking ball being used by Jews and their pets to tear down civilization.

What we need to investigate is why so many corporations support this agenda. It is primarily because those corporations are controlled by hate-filled Jewish maniacs, but it may be more complicated than that. It is certain that driving society into a dystopian nightmare is, as a rule, going to be bad for business, unless your business thrives on human suffering and uses debt and inflation as its primary profit engine.

Even these creepy Turk faggots are against this