More Than 70% of Coronavirus Deaths in Italy are Men

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2020

To address this unacceptable gender death gap, Western governments should consider executing old women.

Daily Mail:

More than 70 per cent of Italy’s coronavirus deaths have been among men but scientists there admit they are mystified by the gender gap.

At least 3,400 people in Italy have died of the devastating disease – it yesterday announced it had a higher death toll than China – but less than 1,000 of them have been women.

Men are also more likely to pick up the infection in the first place and account for 60 per cent of confirmed cases, according to Italy’s public health research agency.

Women should be injected with the virus then.

It’s only fair that both men and women are equally affected.

An earlier analysis found the figures were even higher – that 80 per cent of the deaths were in men and just 20 per cent were in women – but the gap has narrowed over time.

Research in China, where the pandemic started and outbreaks are now petering out, shows that at least two thirds of patients who died were male.

It may be necessary for men to be more careful than women about avoiding the coronavirus, experts said.

‘The honest truth is that today we don’t know why covid-19 is more severe for men than women or why the magnitude of the difference is greater in Italy than China,’ Professor Sabra Klein, at Johns Hopkins’ University in Baltimore, Maryland, told the Washington Post.

What we do know is that in addition to older age, being male is a risk factor for severe outcome and the public should be made aware.’

We cannot have true equality if sexist viruses continue to choose men over women.

This pandemic glass ceiling must be destroyed.

Women are supposed to be able to do everything that men can do, including getting infected and dying from this coronavirus.