Moslems Pulled White Woman’s Finger Nails Out Before Repeatedly Raping her

Daily Mail
September 15, 2015

Kayla Mueller was abducted by Moslems while she was working in Syria and then tortured and raped by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. She was eventually killed in an American airstrike on one of his houses.

A Yazidi woman kidnapped and detained as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s personal sex slave has told how the ISIS leader repeatedly raped U.S. hostage Kayla Mueller – who he had taken as a secret bride.

Speaking to MailOnline, blue-eyed Muna, 16, revealed that after his depraved jihadi cohorts ripped out Miss Mueller’s finger nails, Baghdadi told her that she would become his wife ‘by force’.

But despite his image as the world’s most notorious terrorist, Baghdadi was terrified that his other wives would find out about the 26-year-old aid worker, so insisted she was imprisoned at the home of his deputy Abu Sayaff.

Miss Mueller, 26, was apparently killed in an airstrike on a house in Syria earlier this year.

Muna’s harrowing account of her time as a sex slave gives unprecedented insight into the life, cruelty and daily routines of elusive terror chief Baghdadi, who has only made one public appearance since he declared himself caliph – leader of the world’s Muslims – during a sermon in Mosul last summer.

With a face veil covering everything but her piercing blue eyes, Muna revealed the horrors she witnessed while being moved from location to location to be abused at Baghdadi’s convenience.

Moslems behave the same no matter what country they are in. The Moslems in Rotherham also tortured their victims before raping them and claiming they were now wives/property.

She told MailOnline how the terror leader picked her out from 61 Yazidi women and girls aged between nine and 22 who were among the hundreds taken hostage during last year’s devastating siege of Mount Sinjar.

The average age of those ‘sold at the slave market was 15’, Muna said, adding that it took place at a Christian building in Mosul, which she described as a ‘a white palace’.

Having been held for two nights under the guard of five militants at a property in ISIS’ de facto capital Raqqa, Baghdadi himself turned up at around 10pm on August 15 last year.

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