Namibia: Following Years of US (Uncle Poop Eater) Pressure, High Court Forces Rimming, Fisting on Population

Using both bribes and threats of sanctions against Africa for refusing to go full anal was a policy started under Obama, and vastly expanded under Trump (with his pledge to make man-on-man anal legal everywhere on earth).

(Politics make strange bedfellows. But when Trump got into bed with the gays, he was awoken by a shocking surprise!)

Biden took things to the next level, and the State Department appointed a special “Envoy of Anus,” a Jewish woman who runs an entire department devoted to going around the word and trying to force people into doing rimjobs, fisting, and other activities.

About a year ago, she was in Africa, meeting with government officials, offering bribes and making threats.

A country like Namibia doesn’t have much ability to resist a situation where a US Jew is going around bribing judges.


A high court in Namibia declared two colonial-era laws that criminalised same-sex acts between men unconstitutional on Friday, in a landmark win for the LGBTQ community in the southern African country.

The case was brought by Namibian activist Friedel Dausab with the support of British-based non-governmental organisation Human Dignity Trust.

Dausab told Reuters he was “just happy” after the court’s decision. “It’s a great day for Namibia,” he said. “It won’t be a crime to love anymore.”

Consensual same-sex activity is prohibited in more than half of 54 African countries, according to ILGA, an international organisation supporting LGBTQ rights.

They’re doing the “we all used to fuck each other in the ass all the time until white people came and stopped us” thing

“This victory also brings much-needed and renewed energy to other decriminalisation efforts across Africa,” said Téa Braun, chief executive of the Human Dignity Trust.

Rights campaigners say that, while convictions under the laws on “sodomy” and “unnatural sexual offences” were relatively rare in Namibia, they have perpetuated discrimination against the LGBTQ community and made gay men live in fear of arrest.

John Nakuta, a law professor at the University of Namibia, said the court’s order can be appealed by the Namibian government within 21 days.

The people of Namibia definitely would not have voted for this.

Their president was super against it.

Democracy is a very unique system where there is always a way to totally bypass the will of the majority of the people.