National Action
April 29, 2015

The following report covers a 10 day period in the Baltic states to participate in the March 11th Lithuanian Freedom march, March 16th Latvian Legion day, and to make contacts. We came at the most interesting time possible with a momentous shift in attitudes following the conflict in Ukraine, significant political victories for nationalists in the region, and foreign intrigue was everywhere. What we were able to secure were important friends and lessons that must be immediately put to use.
This trip and this article are not about the tragic brother’s war in Ukraine itself, however there are hateful people blinded by ignorance and stupidity that would use this as ammunition because they have already condemned all the outposts of our western culture to slavery.
On 01/03/2014 National Action in one of its first demonstrations answered the appeal of the combined Ukrainian Nationalists to simply offer solidarity with them in what we knew would be a long and difficult struggle that would not end after the fall of Viktor Yanukovych. The position of National Action has been to condemn shilling and sectarianism on both sides and attack any nationalist that betrays their race and values in the conflict between east and west. Despite this, elements in British politics seeking the Kremlin payroll used this as a consistent pretext to attack our group.
Because of this I used to question whether it was worth all the hassle, though we have comrades, they were a thousand miles away. Now my eyes have been opened and my patience with these people is finally at an end.
Those who would frame the current conflict as an ethnic issue are deceivers. Russia has a large diaspora in its former empire, but we found a sizable portion of these are assimilated and nationalists of the country they are in. For instance in Latvia we heard about a recent poll which revealed that 64% of Ethnic Russians support the nationalist Legionnaire march and believe the Latvian Legion are national heroes – the Latvian Legion being the 15th and 19th Grenadiers of the Waffen SS. Even in Lithuania where they make up only 1% of the population a Russian served as our interpreter with the LNU. It is people like this that give me hope for the future.
If we continue to abandon the nations of Europe one by one, and our allies in Russia that rot in Vladimir Putin’s prison cells then we will have failed in our most crucial test. All claims of being ‘white’ mean nothing without the survival and unity of Europe as a whole, we stand or fall together.

The annual Freedom march we attended marks the day the country was granted independence and is a state holiday – it is also a day when the country’s nationalists are able to successfully occupy the beautiful centre of the capital Vilnius without any opposition. We made much of our breakthrough a couple of weeks later to hold our first public march of around 125 persons, the largest I had been to personally was 25, so being at the front of 1500 nationalists was a new experience.
So what does a march of 1500 look like – Generally speaking it was a lot of young people, even with senior organisers and veterans, I would say the average age was 26.
At the assembly area were a plethora of groups, not just political organisations, but various music subcultures; not just RAC, but Metal, Punk, and Folk followings all contributed substantially to the march and they had festivals tied in with the event. The march was submitted to the authorities under the name of the National Youth Union, which appears more to be the country’s street movement, rather than a political party. Their logo is a trippy red three armed “swastika” on a white background which appears to have been historically inspired, most of the guys we hung around with were from the Lithuanian Nationalist Union, the electoral party. This is not to be confused with the Lithuanian National Union who were among the alphabet soup of other groups which included even more National Socialists and a bunch of what appeared to be Strasserites in ‘black bloc’ tagging along at the back. During the 30’s in their brief independence the Baltic countries all had quasi-fascist regimes and indigenous state approved fascist movements, so while there is nothing weird or ‘unpatriotic’ about these groups there was no mistaking the fact that they were very radical.
Also at the assembly point we met with the other foreign contingents who we would be getting to know, principally the Latvians and Estonians. Also among the crowd were groups from Sweden and Georgia (Our flag had ‘England’ written on it to avoid confusion), it also looked like there were quite a few ‘Pravy Sektor’ Ukrainians.
I noticed there was actually quite a strong Ukrainian theme at this year’s march, with dozens of Ukrainian flags and more commonly the Red/Black flags of the Banderists. The front banner for the march depicted the common struggle of the Anti-Soviet Partisans in Ukraine and the Baltic states, which successfully resisted the occupation into the 50’s and 60’s. Lithuanians were right to be proud as their bunkers in the swampland made base areas inaccessible to the Russians. On the march demonstrators would shout “SLAVA UKRAIN’E” (glory to Ukraine) in addition to “Lithuania for the Lithuanians”. It would appear that Russian intervention has inflamed fears and inspired a new level of consciousness in the entire region.
In all the news reports they claimed a “diminished attendance at the Neo-Nazi rally”. This was a dirty trick. What happened was that a couple of years ago the government tried to outright ban the march, so instead of 900 people turning up (the year before) it was over 3000. Police set up obstacles to impede the marchers but they just walked around them. The march was an enormous embarrassment for the government, who against the wishes of the mayor legalised it again claiming that the demonstration was no longer ‘radical’. People ask me sometimes why Eastern Europe has it together – is it their history? That is part of it, but what it all boils down to in the end is guts. If these guys just let themselves be pushed around then they would have had nothing – I only wish that all our nationalists understood the value of this.
The stage was taken by Ricardas Cekutis, the tall dark man seen introducing the speakers and chairman of the Government supported Lithuanian National Centre. Julius Panka the head of the National Youth Union spoke but I was concerned when he wasn’t applauded very well. Afterwards there was a speech by a very well dressed Latvian Konstantins Purpurs representing the National Alliance, I never got to see the text of his speech but he is even at the worst of times a passionate speaker. The Estonian Ruuban Kaalep representing the youth wing of the Conservative People’s Party spoke – Despite being a young guy he gave an excellent speech in English which I found encouraging – he discussed the election victory which swept his group into parliament last fall with 7 MP’s (after adopting the Latvian model) and pledged European solidarity. Then Paul, introduced as the speaker for National Action delivered his talk, to my delight the crowd applauded him and his translated words. Loads of people approached him “you said so many things and they were all right!” others not able to translate tried to show their appreciation in any case.
To speak frankly my most profound and direct experience here has been love. All the nationalists here have been so warm and welcoming – they all appreciate outsiders. They are not used to many visitors outside a few eastern bloc countries, so we provoked a lot of interest “wow! You came all the way from England for us?! Thank you so much man!”. On the way to the rally point (lost) we approached a large group of young people in black leather jackets, they asked if we were White Nationalists and all started shaking our hands and swapping details (after replying yes, they then asked if we were EDL, completely un-ironically and obviously unknowingly – so this is also a great place to be free of the shame as everywhere else in Europe we just get teased). No invitation needed, you will make a lot of friends here, and I regret that we only had three days before Riga. Everyone I spoke to was interested in National Action and some of them were even familiar with our videos. We kicked ourselves we didn’t have an NA flag for the march as this would have been very welcome.
It is empowering to hate and love, but even more so when you do it on behalf of other Europeans – indeed it is essential for our success. So many times we laughed “the liberals and plutocrats say that nationalism cannot succeed because we will all just end up fighting each other – but here we are, nationalists from five different countries united – CHEERS!”
During my time I met quite a few Lithuanians who had either been to the United Kingdom or planned on doing so. According to them there are gangs of Lithuanians all over London and the South that are constantly fighting with the local blacks, and this gave me ideas. The emergence of the NOP (National Revival of Poland) on the UK scene has been to my mind one of the most interesting and positive developments that can open minds, especially when we stood shoulder to shoulder on the 21st of march later that month. I think it stands to reason that all Europeans can be politicised in the same way, not just Blood and Honour affiliates. According to the most recent census there are a 100,000 Lithuanians in the United Kingdom – most of them are young and live communally, so if we had one they may come in a bunch. The quality of your average activist is good; young and ambitious – well educated but having to work as unskilled labour. In the Baltic States the general trend is that National Socialist parties carry the highest proportion of young people and university graduates – whatever their fortunes they are the inevitable future of Eastern Europe.
Really, we can never have enough contacts or supporters, and from my personal experience international links of the most insignificant kind can grow into the most lucrative opportunities – at the same time foreign nationalist organisations also have an incentive as their members need to remain in the movement, all the aforementioned feels they get in reverse will do them good. We will need to run this by some people first but it I think it is definitely worth the effort.
On reflection the whole event was like a big opposites day – this time we were powerful and our enemies were weak. Nobody seemed bothered that a bunch of “evil Nazis” were marching through their town. No, instead they were clapping and cheering us like heroes – the elderly had tears in their eyes and were marching with us. Next to the assembly point was a state funded music festival – but I am sure there were more in our march than in the crowd by far. A lot of performances were army choirs and brass bands, so their personnel were casually hanging around our area – the nuance was there for anyone observing, we were totally mainstream. For once there was no police protection, if anyone needed to be protected it was the opposition. My friend asked seriously “where are the antifa” the guy next to us just laughed – loudly.
Any counter demonstrations would have been broken up immediately by the police so they had to be dotted around individually, which is why the antifa in Eastern Europe always look so lonely. They were all foreigners too – many refused to speak to the cameras because they were American or Israelis. One of them whom a western media outlet actually referred to as “heroic” demonstrated with her black boyfriend and an insulting placard that read “I *Star of David*(i.e. ‘Jew’) Lithuania” until police asked them to move. The joke is on them – there is nothing I like more than seeing a Jew with a black boyfriend!
Facebook photos later indicated that the total counter demonstration consisted of no more than half a dozen people. Among them was Dovid Katz, the local representative of the Simon Wiesenthal centre. He primarily campaigns against what he has called the ‘double genocide’ theory, which holds that people other than Jews actually suffered during the Second World War. On his Facebook the scrote has attacked the Genocide Centre in the town that details these atrocities as “disgraceful”. I encourage people to watch Red Terror on the Amber Coast which documents the harrowing experiences of those who survived this ‘non-genocide’ and then you will know why people here disagree. People will say that it is hypocritical to be emoted by one set of atrocities and not the other – I think we can only learn by example, and we face an enemy with a heart hardened by hatred.
Indeed, I feel that the Jews will come to regret the day that they didn’t lay down the hatchet – they have had 60 years of peace to stop their appalling behaviour towards these good people and now they are absolutely despised by the entire population of Eastern Europe who would have probably forgiven them if they apologised. What I would later find out would confirm all of this.
Earlier in the week we tagged along and got to meet our gracious hosts from the Lithuanian Nationalist Union which included Vilma Cekutiene and Richardas Cekutis the main speaker at the event, who are all round super nice people and I have faith their fortunes will improve.
From speaking to Lithuanians in general I found that feelings about the scene were mixed. On the one hand, and I don’t think it is fully appreciated by the Lithuanians themselves, but the nationalist movement there is mainstream, a scene of literally thousands of active people, not just ‘members’, it is where I would realistically like to see our movement in a few years.
Secondly I think these people show some vision; sources informed me that it is the Lithuanians who have been spearheading the trend of co-operation between the Baltic Nationalists and who have been looking outward – large contingents of the kind we saw were described as ‘relatively recent’. The Lithuanian Nationalist Union and Lithuanian Youth Union, together with Conservative People’s Party of Estonia and All for Latvia! (now National Alliance) signed the official ‘Declaration of Bauska’ which calls for a “new national awakening of the Baltic States and makes a joint commitment to combat the threats posed by international globalism, multiculturalism and Russian imperial ambitions”. The significance of this is that you have a commitment to a joint foreign policy and an ideological statement between upwardly moving forces. The party website also features affiliate organisations in Ukraine and Belarus – I expect this to expand over time.
On the other hand the Nationalists are politically marginalised and have struggled to perform electorally – but realistically the difference between them and the other nationalist movements in the Baltic is only measured in years.
Indeed, there are already promising signs. I will write a little more about how Eastern Europe is pioneering the process of outsourcing to nationalists or as our enemies call it “re-nazification”. The National Youth Union for instance is in receipt of both State and European Union funds through its ascension to the civic Lithuanian Council of Youth Organisations (which is the country’s largest NGO) at a vote of 19 for, 7 abstentions, 0 against – the EU doesn’t like it but there is very little they can do about it. I could provide other examples like this, but there are better ones to follow.
In my opinion the weakness of Baltic Nationalists in the past has been their misguided strengths. Nationalism is rightly the heir of the dissident movement where the people successfully threw off the Soviet Union through the determined conscious effort of the nation. The ‘Baltic way’ for example, when 2 million people formed a 420 mile human chain connecting the three Baltic capitals – this included 80% of Lithuania’s population at the time. What happened after independence was that the bootlickers who collaborated with the occupiers were in the best position to grab up the country and the people didn’t seem to have an answer – Nationalism like we know it is a new thing. It is not that the politicians here are even especially unpatriotic, but political whores in any space are always an enormous problem obstructing genuine leadership. When willpower can be reorganised under a new vision the traitors will swing, this I believe is the meaning of an “awakening” as called upon in Bauska.
I for one will also be encouraging my contacts in other parts of Europe to make these events – especially for Western and Nordic countries.
Firstly a large march is good experience and it will give you a solid picture of what successes of various kinds looks like.
Secondly you are going to have a good time, it is a safe event where you are going to meet lots of great contacts. (Oh and by the way the prices there were heaven).
Lastly you will see the truth for yourself, it is something that can only be understood directly.

The second part of our Baltic Journey couldn’t have been more different to the first. I found the Lithuanians to be a warm and genuine street movement, even at the top level – In Latvia the nationalists are part of the government and have lots of adult responsibilities so we had to make do with different kinds of contacts. This was not a problem because ultimately it is about what is being achieved on the ground.
The National Alliance are a real success story. It all began with a group called Visu Latvija! (All for Latvia!) I remember way back when this started life as a tiny National Socialist organisation, skinheads in bomber jackets and armbands like the ones in Lithuania, very marginal – after a few years they registered as a party formally entering politics in 2006. They then made a decision that would prove fateful – they united with another party the LNNK (For Fatherland and Freedom) the old. This party was dying on its feet just from old age – the injection of this vital youthful element saved both these organisations. An example of these would be the annual torchlight parades they have been putting on the past few years every November, these look awesome, not the least because it attracts up to 14,000 participants and is reminiscent of the 1930’s.

At first the Nationalists were Junior Partners – but slowly they are emerging to become the predominant force. Many years ago sources informed me that the merger led to the almost complete gutting of the LNNK, and that appears to have been the case.
Their knack for strategy goes far beyond this; As of the 5th of November 2014 they now have 17 MP’s out of 100 seats, which makes them only the 4th largest party, similar to Golden Dawn in that regard. However they are in government as part of a coalition with two other parties Unity and the Union of Greens and Farmers – larger and more established they play off against each other for key cabinet postings such as Justice, Culture, Environment, and they also have the House Speaker. You can only imagine the resources this gives them.
One great idea the party had in the run up to the election was to campaign to lower the voting age – it wasn’t something that was going to pass, but it generated a lot of interest from young people thinking “hey, these guys are looking out for me” and there are other obvious inferences.
The National Alliance know how to pick their battles. Obviously for a completely white country with a declining birth rate abortion can be a problem and has been the main reason for Russia’s major demographic crisis. Rather than just unsuccessfully trying to ban it to make a ‘moral stand’, they have successfully introduced legislation where except in the case of a medical emergency the mother must undergo two weeks of counselling – abortion rates dropped by some 30%.
What you have to understand is that they are not a reactionary force like Nationalists in Britain have been, they don’t simply attack ‘Europe’ they talk about Europe being controlled by liberals and globalists. I think this shows a great deal of vision, without going into too much of the detail they are thinking about the world of the future – they are alive with ideals and this has helped them overcome many challenges.
At one point for instance some of the moderates and political whores that any rising organisation accumulates, conspired to form their own right wing party – these idiots were just toast and the National Alliance recovered completely.

On the other hand they must be smart – parties can just get banned and they have had to make their peace with the system and its standards of respectability. In return for what it has given them the Pragmatism of the National Alliance is entirely justifiable.
The Headquarters of the National Alliance is a swanky office near the freedom monument – the equivalent of having a building next to Nelson’s column or the Cenotaph in Westminster. Seeing the mail plaque next to all these corporations must have been a real ‘we made it’ moment. The logo is also prominently displaced outside the building – why not? NA owns this Town. Nearby was the most prestigious hotel in the city where international Jewry under the “Latvian Anti-fascist Committee” attempted to hold a conference. On learning of their identity they were blacklisted not only from the building in question, but every Hotel in the city. Our source indicated that although the sentiments of the locals were hostile to these outside agitators who sought to bring shame and hatred on their people, the authorities themselves likely disseminated a list of Jewish names to all establishments.
This is what power looks like – I want you to let that sink in.
This doesn’t even get into the meat and potatoes of what is truly being achieved here, and what the rest of this article is about. NA is like a state within a state they have built up institutions from private armies to cooking classes.
“It is like the Mormons… they (the National Alliance) are a whole way of life” A child is born that attends NA parenting classes, they go to an NA owned school that instils them with patriotism, goes to NA events throughout their life, all their friends will be NA and everything about this is obviously fantastic.
A good demonstration that explains the source of that power was the Occupation Museum. Like the Genocide Centre in Lithuania it is state funded but run by nationalists. I am told that the museum has had to undergo endless changes in the war international Jewry is waging on Latvians to make their history compatible with their narrative. They have added a section on Nazi occupation, but in my opinion this only serves to put their supposed crimes in perspective. After all, there is really very little for them to complain about. It is never good to be occupied by a foreign power – the Wehrmacht didn’t have much time for free speech and locked up people who complained in the city prison. They also implemented conscription towards the end of the war which was illegal, however Latvia itself was threatened and they faced genocide – they had already been occupied by the Soviet Union in 1940 and thousands had already been killed or deported to Siberia (yearly attrition rates were 20%). The legion is legendary for holding Western Latvia at what is known as the Courland Pocket until the end of the war, which allowed for 140,000 Latvians to escape and for holding out after Germany had surrendered.
Of note was a document in which the Jewish head of the NKVD in Latvia Simon Shustin, orders the destruction of every church in the city but states that “no synagogue is to be harmed”, in 1946 he left for Israel and became one of the founders of Mossad. The document in question among many other articles were removed piecemeal from public display after the Israeli embassy lodged official complaints. All this didn’t matter, the truth was there – on the wall were the photos of world leaders including Prince Charles, Hilary Clinton, and so on – I don’t know if these people have a capacity for shame but forcing them to see the truth is something powerful.
You hear a lot of stories, and I can’t do it justice to relate them here, but my dear reader, there is nothing so heart-breaking as seeing somebody’s spirit being visibly crushed under the weight of memory – being reduced in this way when they are as strong and brave as they can be. There is so much here that will make you feel sick to your stomach with sadness and rage – yet it is essentially unrecognised, even to many of the Latvians themselves who had their whole history denied to them.

March 16th is Legion day – it marks the date when the 15th and 19th fought together for the first time, it is the only day of remembrance for Latvia’s only military conflict in living memory (It can be assumed there are no living veterans of the civil war, while 130,000 served in the legion, add to that relatives and you are talking about something that affected a significant portion of the population). The state cannot officially recognise Legion Day or hundreds of similar events that occur throughout the year, and clearly this has played right into the hands of the nationalists. National Alliance not only has political power, but they have been outsourced the task of reviving and moulding national consciousness. Even though it is a week day and most cannot take the time off, the event is growing, 3000 according to police estimates. The march takes place from where a church service was held to the freedom monument, where people pay their respects.
As you can imagine events here have a very sombre and bittersweet tone, though they monopolise it, the nationalists are respectful and do not exploit them for political messages. To oppose this kind of event in any significant way would be considered very bad taste.
We did briefly meet our friends from Lithuania and Estonia as they filed past us to the front. We also met some random Italians from some monarchist party who unfurled their banner and invited interest. They didn’t speak English but were nice people who took our details – didn’t write back yet.
As in Lithuania, I might add there was also a ‘Ukrainian’ presence, I noticed blue and white was discreetly attached to flag poles and on wreaths laid at the monument. I asked one of our Latvians whether this was normal “no, it’s a new thing” I asked him what he honestly thought “I think it’s a disaster! It’s another brother’s war, whites killing each other on both sides”.
To help counter disinformation the NA arranged for placards to flank both sides of the demonstration which equated the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany. I am sure somebody at the party thought that was a good rhetorical retort, and it is – but whoever put an equals sign on the two doesn’t understand the west; evoking the Nazis to make something look bad is the reason why nobody in the west cares what happened to their people, it is a catch 22 that always comes back to justifying the most shameful alliance in history, the exact opposite of what it is trying to get across. It didn’t really matter because the RT cameras selectively missed them, and it was in the interest of the West to ignore the event altogether. I took a placard in English that read “the 16th of March, the day when we remember Latvian Freedom Fighters”.
This opposition was nowhere to be seen at all, apparently our fellow interlopers Dovid Katz and the ‘Nazi Hunter’ Efraim Zuroff were in the crowd somewhere trying to argue with the locals – they were kind of a pathetic lot and at any other time I would have felt sorry for them, but this year had a much more sinister undertone.
Men like this have found a powerful new ally in Vladimir Putin who is funding every Jewish agitator in Eastern Europe to combat the rise of what they both see as fascism – real and imagined.

This is done through the Kremlin sponsored NGO “World Without Nazism” Chaired by the Russian Oligarch Boris Spiegel who has seen funds slosh into the region. The Radio and literature at the Museum warned that 25,000 Euros had been allocated to the Josifs Korens ‘Latvian Antifascist Committee’ Vladimirs Linderman the former ‘National Bolshevik Party’ leader (the Party founded by Alexander Dugin) recruiter for the Novorossian cause and currently the Ethnic Russian Civil Rights leader and Tatjana Ždanoka a communist hardliner from the old days who is also very active on the Ukrainian issue. I have to stress that all of these figures listed on the pamphlet are Jews (which is why I have provided links) and they are co-ordinated and unified on an international scale. Part of this fund went on the disgusting and disrespectful piece of performance art under heavy police protection where they ‘sanitized’ the area by symbolically cleaning the pristine street where we walked in hazard gear.
Now, I get accused of being an anti-Semite a lot, but that is not what this is about. This is about the so called “experienced nationalists” who claim that anyone opposing the new ‘Imperium Europa’ the Russians are going to bring in when they roll through Eastern Europe, are all ‘Zionist stooges’. Whether like the Jews these figures are actually on the Kremlin payroll, or more likely just blind willing idiots – it is pretty obvious who the ‘stooges’ in all this are.
That morning our local contact informed us “I was listening to the radio this morning have you heard the bad news?”, “no” I said, “The Jews have been thrown out of every hotel in Riga, there is only one place would even let them rooms, and that is five miles away”. As the state was clearly involved in protecting its own sovereignty this was a very Jewish act and some kind of provocation against Russia, “the last white nation” as the NPD and many others call it.
After the march there was a service held in the Legionaries graveyard outside the city – it was the site of one of the legion’s last stands, a church once one of the most ornately decorated in the country that was the scene of many battles, it was absolutely riddled with bullet holes which casts a long shadow of ‘reality’.
We picked up a legionnaire on the way and a Soviet Conscript whose brother was in the Legion. They sung a little ditty which I am told roughly translated as “we shoot the fucking Jews and march on Moscow!” it rhymed really well. When we got back in the van the old men celebrated, the Legionnaire was passing us lots of schnapps and gherkins, it was a good ride home.
On the 17th the next day we attended a memorial in Ile to commemorate a battle that took place on the 17th of March 1949, where 27 Latvian and Lithuanian partisans (Forest Brothers) were attacked by Soviet security forces. Most of the defenders were killed and those who survived were sentenced to 25 years of hard labour in Siberia. The Legion did not give up after the war – 10,000 refused to lay down their arms and headed into the woods. They carried out sabotage, ambush, and planned the assassination of officials. In 1949 the Soviets had pinpointed where they thought the bunkers were and struck, though they had to make several successive attempts.
Present at the service was a large contingent of soldiers – I noticed the two flanking the memorial had top of the line FN SCARs. This was in fact the new youth organisation established by the general of the reserve army as an honour guard for these events – again a very recent thing and the outcome of clever politicking on the part of National Alliance.
I recognised the head re-enactor to be of RT fame. In 2012 he was on their broadcast crouching with awestruck infants in an SS uniform giving them weapons demonstrations, these are the NA schools I mentioned earlier.
We also met the last survivor who was the guest of honour, he was happy to see foreigners and showed he was fluent in French, German, and English – we thanked him for his service and his bravery.

I hope this report will serve to help our people understand what is happening in Eastern Europe better; lessons we can learn from them, and why partners in Eastern Europe are worthy of our support. Our path to power is different, it is clear that we must still have a revolution in the west, a collapse of the system for these small nations would be a disaster and would only benefit Russia (as indeed was the case with Ukraine). What doesn’t change is our shared principles and aims; the way challenges are overcome without the compromising of values is a testament to the power of those values.
No matter where you go in Europe you will find the same vision of a White Europe, strong and united – that is proof enough that the feeling is real. It can’t really be put into words, but to experience it will re-enforce your own beliefs and the inevitability of our victory. In the more immediate sense National Action has become international; Together we will save the lands that we love, these words are no longer sentiment, they are politics.