Negroes, Coloreds Violently Turning on Jews in South Africa

Godfrey Bouillon
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2015

All is not well.
All is not well.

The Daily Stormer previously reported on Blacks in South Africa who looted a Jewish owned store named after prominent South African Jew Sammy Marks, ostensibly in support the BDS movement.

Now the Jewish victimization industry is up in arms because some Jews got their asses diversified by angry Ragheads.

IOL News:

The police are analysing footage from an alleged anti-Semitic attack on Saturday at The Zone in Rosebank.

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) alerted the media to the attack earlier this week, reporting that three Jewish boys, aged 17 and 18, were assaulted in the mall by three Indian adults.

The teenagers were leaving a cinema at about 10.30pm when they were accosted. The incident was captured on CCTV cameras.

According to SAJBD national director Wendy Kahn, the video shows the attack was unprovoked.

“The teenagers were clearly identified as Jewish, wearing kippot – traditional head coverings. While one was being hit, another assailant swore at him saying: ‘You f***ing Jew’ and ‘your f***ing people are killing our innocent children’,” Kahn wrote in a statement.

Presumably these Indians are Moslems, since they refer to “our innocent children” being killed, but who really knows.

Earlier this month, some other Jews got threatened by their Rainbow Nation countrymen.


Protesters chanted anti-Semitic slogans and threatened to kill Jews outside a South African Zionist Federation event in Johannesburg on Sunday. “You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you!” and “You Jews do not belong here in South Africa!” supporters of the BDS movement shouted in front of the Sandton Convention Centre, where the South Africa-Israel Expo and a federation conference was being held. They were joined by protesters in African National Congress and South African Communist Party T-shirts.

Canadian MP and human rights lawyer Irwin Cotler, who was active in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa and represented Natan Sharansky, now the chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, while he was a prisoner in the Soviet gulag, spoke at the opening of the Zionist federation conference Saturday night.

He railed against what he called the laundering of anti-Semitism using the language and tools of the universal struggle for human rights.

“Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism,” Cotler said. “But singling out Israel for selective opprobrium and condemnation, or denying Israel’s right to exist and calling for its destruction, is discriminatory and hateful, and not saying so is destructive. To compare Israel with South African apartheid shames the real anti-apartheid struggle.”

Johannesburg’s The Star newspaper reported that some of the protesters bused in by BDS on Sunday did not know what exactly they were protesting.

“I can’t say I know why I’m here,” they quoted one protester as saying. The South African Communist Party “called me to say there was an event in Sandton and buses were available. I don’t know why we are here, who we are supporting and against who.”

Note the prominence of a South Africa-Israel Expo, no doubt promoting financial and business links between the two countries, taking place in Sandton, one of the most upscale neighborhoods in Johannesburg.

The irony here is that Jews played a critical role in breaking down the apartheid system. Many know of “Joe Slovo” (real name Yossel Mashel Slovo), the Lithuanian-born Jew who led both the South African Communist Party and the armed wing of the ANC in their violent, terrorist campaign to kill Whites and bring down apartheid.

Joe Slovo and the gang
Joe Slovo and the gang

There is also the lesser-known Harry Heinz Schwarz, the Cologne, Germany-born Jew who immigrated to South Africa and became a prominent lawyer and anti-apartheid activist. He formed the commie Reform and Progressive Reform Parties that agitated against racial apartheid.

Here’s what Wikipedia says about Schwarz:

In 1946 he went to University of the Witwatersrand (more commonly known as Wits University) in Johannesburg with the help of a Government loan and grant, where he first befriended fellow students and future anti-apartheid political activists Nelson Mandela and Joe Slovo.

Schwarz’s vision for the post-apartheid South Africa was embodied in a document named the “Act of Dedication”, of which he presented to the provincial council in 1973. The document, written by him, called for the Transvaal and the rest of South Africa to adopt and subscribe to the principles of a non-discriminatory society. While the UP Transvaal caucus unanimously adopted the initiative, the National Party refused to allow it to be debated in the council and parliament. Schwarz pushed for the adoption of the act in the 1973 National UP Congress, in which he succeeded.

He emphasized that Jews needed not only a democratic society for all, but also “The right to follow [their] own religion and love for Israel freely.” He was assured in private meetings by Israeli Prime Ministers Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Shamir that Jews in South Africa would not become isolated and links with Israel would be maintained.

Jews created this beast. This is their Golem. They did everything possible to destroy apartheid, a system that realistically benefited individuals of all races by creating a society with a strong, growing economy, an emphasis on security, and competent national government. Now there’s unending violence, poverty and a shrinking economy that increasingly relies on imports, and a comically incompetent government.

Jews benefited temporarily by displacing non-Jewish Whites and assuming more profitable roles in the national economy, but their Negroe and Colored allies have taken the BDS rhetoric that the Jews originated to its logical end and turned it against them.

Whites still face the brunt of Negroe Terror in wretched South Africa, with regular machete attacks on rural farms often taking entire families at a time. The emergence of the BDS movement represents a crack in the international Jewish power structure, that can be used to drive a wedge between the Jewish parasitic class and the Groid Armies that serve as their shock troops by strategically-minded trolls and political writers. The stark Jewish hypocrisy on anti-apartheid BDS versus anti-Zionist BDS exposes the dual-track “multiculturalism for you, hardcore ethnocentrism for me” strategy behind Jewish power.