New Jersey: Beastly Women Selling Marijuana in Marijuana Stores

We’re standing down a federal law legalizing recreational marijuana use across the country.

Why would the government be doing this? Is it because they love you? Or is it like pornography, where they want you to be weak, addicted slobs?

These photos from the newly-opened weed stores in New Jersey go a long way to answering that question.

Look at these beasts:

Zoom in.

The one on the right.

This is the worst creature.

Humans are not supposed to look like this.

No wonder these people hate Russia.

And China for that matter.

These are countries where people still look like human beings.

Not every pot smoker is a beast.

But they are all goofy morons. There are no serious people who smoke marijuana.

This is why Jews compulsively promote it.

Their actual promotional videos advertise that it makes you retarded (instead of violent – it solves violence and aggressive behavior, aside from among blacks).

I entered high school in the early 00s. I have watched this be normalized, systematically.

Marijuana lowers testosterone, extremely. It causes men to grow breasts. It turns them into docile cattle.

That’s a really good thing if you’re doing a great reset.