New mRNA Vax to Prevent Heart Attacks Announced

As is widely known, the coronavirus mRNA vaccines cause serious heart problems.

The Science has reached a consensus that dying of a heart attack or developing a debilitating, permanent heart condition that will destroy your life and eventually kill you is a small price to pay for protection against the deadly coronavirus.

You think dying of a heart attack is bad? Try getting the coronavirus.

You’ve heard all of the stories of people dying of coronavirus saying “I wish I would have gotten the vaccine.” What you hear less about is people who are dying of heart attacks saying “I’m so glad I got the vaccine.” But it’s true.

However, the goal of The Science is to prevent all people from dying forever. This is the stated goal of people like Bill Gates, who have spent their careers demanding that the world be depopulated.

So, what’s the solution?

Well, mRNA vaccines that prevent heart attacks, of course.

If we have mRNA anti-heart attack vaccines, we no longer have to worry about all of these heart attacks caused by mRNA coronavirus vaccines.

This is why you have to trust The Science.

The Science always pulls through at the last minute.

Next, we need an mRNA vax to resurrect all of those people who died from the mRNA vax.

Common sense solutions.

That’s what The Science is all about.

You just have to put aside logic and reason and simply trust. Put your faith in The Science.