New York Jewish Cemetery Vandalism Turns Out to be a Hoax

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
March 8, 2017

An investigation into the Jewish cemetery “attack” that was the focus of the Judenpresse for days has shown it to be a hoax. This concludes another chapter in the ongoing “anti-Semitism” moral panic extravaganza.

The NYPD is saying it was “environmental causes,” but it’s also possible that the Jews themselves did it and they are just erring on the side of caution. As someone who has met and talked to NYPD officers off the clock, they will be the first to tell you that they’re never able to catch most hate-criminals targeting Jews, and investigators often get hunches that Jews do it themselves to get more public dollars for their many rackets.


Authorities have determined that tombstones disturbed at a historic Jewish cemetery in New York this weekend were damaged by environmental causes and not by vandalism.

A New York City Police Department hate-crime task force had been investigating whether the damage to the granite and marble tombstones at Washington Cemetery in Brooklyn was intentional.

The task force concluded its investigation on Sunday, finding that the cause was environmental, which can include soil erosion and lack of maintenance.

That didn’t stop butt-Goy extraordinaire Andrew Cuomo, the brother of the CNN fake news pundit Chris Cuomo, from going all out.

Governor Cuomo is promising predominately Jewish institutions $25 million dollars in state dollars to protect them from kicking over their own tombstones and prank calling the ADL. On top of that, this sycophant just got back from his trip to Israel, where he met with Jewish war criminals and promised to establish an “Anti-Semitism Task Force” in the NYPD (they already have a “hate crimes unit”), using this hoax story as his motivation.

The following story was published before it was determined that the grave attack was a hoax.

Jewish Press:

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo says his government has put together a special unit of the State Police to deal with the rising threat of anti-Semitism in New York. “We have made it clear that there will be no tolerance for these acts of anti-Semitism,” he said Sunday in his visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center with Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, where the governor laid a wreath in the Hall of Remembrance.

Governor Cuomo’s visit to Israel comes a day after a primarily-Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn became the latest casualty in a series of anti-Semitic attacks across the United States.

A number of headstones were toppled in the historic Washington Cemetery on Saturday, the latest in a string of similar acts of vandalism that resulted in hundreds of headstones being damaged at cemeteries in Rochester, NY; St. Louis, Missouri and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Governor Cuomo noted in his response, “Yad Vashem is a living reminder of what the Jewish people went through, and what this world allowed them to go through. It reminds us all of the potential danger. We must live by the rules that an abuse to one, an affront to one, is an affront to all, and that large fires start as small fires; we will have zero tolerance for any abuse or discrimination of any fellow human being.

“In the United States now we have had a rash of anti-Semitism, over 100 acts of anti-Semitism, and I am sad to say also in my state, the state of New York.

“It is disgusting, it is reprehensible, it violates every tenet of the New York State tradition. New York State by its definition is a celebration of diversity, it accepts all who believe in the spirit of inclusion, and who live by discrimination of none.

“New York’s principles are built on a rock, they will not change, and the political wind will not change them.

“To the people of Israel, I say that these acts of anti-Semitism will not be tolerated, New York State has reacted aggressively with extraordinary measures, more aggressively than any other state in the nation, I am proud to say. We have posted rewards, we have put together a special unit of the State Police – we have made it clear that there will be no tolerance for these acts of anti-Semitism.”

This off-brand Senator Palpatine has yet to comment on revising his big plans after the results of this investigation have concluded.

But we’ll always be good enough to pay for it. We must atone for the hate and bigotry of the plate tectonics toppling a few headstones in Brooklyn.