New York Times Finally Admits Hunter Biden’s Laptop is Not a Russian Conspiracy

This is standard operating procedure for the entire Jewish media – they spam people with baseless, stupid lies, then later quietly admit everything they said was fake news.


The New York Times is facing criticism from its oldest rival after quietly reversing its stance on the authenticity of emails found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, mentioning only in passing that the messages were real and not the product of a Russian disinformation campaign.

“Forgive the profanity, but you have got to be sh*tting us,” the New York Post said in an editorial published on Thursday. “First, the New York Times decides more than a year later that Hunter Biden’s business woes are worthy of a story. Then, deep in the piece, in passing, it notes that Hunter’s laptop is legitimate.”

The editorial came in response to an article on Wednesday in which the Times reported about a criminal investigation into the tax filings of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. The newspaper said that emails between Hunter Biden and business associates about Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma and other overseas dealings had been “authenticated” by “people familiar” with the messages and the tax probe.

The New York Times did this with WMD in Iraq.

Most of the lies about that were being fed to the NYT via the Pentagon. Then Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld would go out and hold up the Times and say “see, here’s the proof.”

Years later, they admitted it was all fake.

Hunter’s laptop is now officially irrelevant, and they can drop this story quietly in the middle of the Ukraine war hoax, and face no consequences.

If I was running the Times, I would have admitted this all in the first place: “yes, Hunter Biden is a handsome man who gets paid millions of dollars for doing literally nothing while flying around the world eating steak, staying in expensive hotels, doing drugs and slamming ultra ripe hookers – all of you people are just jealous little bitches.”

If I was Jen Psaki, I would tell Peter Doocy and the rest of the complainers: “Hunter Biden is based and a chad, he makes mad bank, smokes crack, gets footjobs from 10/10 hookers, and isn’t afraid of anything. You cowards are jealous, probably because you’re a bunch of faggots.”

Doocy would be like “Mrs. Psaki, I’m a heterosexual…”

And she’d be like “well, how many footjobs did you get from top model hookers in the last month, Peter? I suspect none, and certainly nowhere near as many as Hunter Biden. Next question.”