New Zealand: Man Banned from Women’s Powerlifting Event for Not Being Tranny Enough

What exactly makes this guy less of a tranny than the other trannies?

I thought it was impossible to “not be tranny enough”?

How can one tranny be more tranny than another tranny?

It doesn’t make any sense.


A top male powerlifter who entered a women’s competition as a form of protest has been told he is ineligible to compete.

Former world record-holder and multiple-time New Zealand’s strongest man Dale Shepherd wrote on his entry form for the Day of the Deads competition in Huntly in June: “I identify as a woman for this contest”, seemingly in protest on the inclusion of transgender athletes in the women’s category.

Global Powerlifting Committee New Zealand (GPCNZ) – one of two governing bodies for powerlifting in New Zealand – told Shepherd he was ineligible to compete in the women’s category as he does not meet the criteria for transgender athletes.

Shepherd, 52, who has been involved in powerlifting for more than 20 years and said he could lift more than 300kg easily, described himself as a biological “alpha” male and not transgender.

Shepherd’s actions follow that of Avi Silverberg, a Canadian male powerlifting coach, who entered a women’s competition to protest Canada Powerlifting Self-ID laws in March.

“I’m pro transgender having their own class to compete in. I want them to win medals. I want them to participate in sport. I’ve got nothing against them. I’m pro biological women not having to compete against transgender [women],” Shepherd said.

“I believe in supporting biological women … who aspire to win anything in sport. They will eventually lose everything to men wanting to be women.”

Current international GPC regulations, which were added to the NZ regulations over the weekend, state transgender women can compete in the women’s category, but must declare their identity as a woman and can not change their gender declaration “for sporting purposes” for a minimum of four years.

Was this guy a tranny for 4 years before competing?

Transgender athletes also must undergo hormone treatment for at least 12 months and provide documentation from a medical professional. For those not undergoing hormone treatment a “confidential review” is required.

Other sports, more recently athletics and swimming, have banned transgender women who experienced male puberty from competing in the women’s category, while other strength based sports including the International Powerlifting Federation, require transgender athletes to have a testosterone level in serum equal or below 2.4 nanomoles per litre for at least 12 months before competition.

Shepherd is ineligible to compete under the GPCNZ transgender inclusion guidelines, which he describes as “deficient”.

GPCNZ spokesperson and trustee Greg Turrell said the organisation had spoken with Shepherd about his entry.

“I’ve clarified the rules with Dale. He is ineligible. [But] there is provision for transgender women to compete in powerlifting as a whole,” he said.

The organisation is looking to strengthen the rules so “incidents” such as this do not occur in the future, and he said transgender inclusion is an “ongoing piece of work”.

But trannies are winning all these competitions anyway, so why would it make any difference at all “how tranny” the winner is?

It’s not like women are ever beating trannies in any of these sports, so what is the difference?