NGOs Halt Human Trafficking Program After Being Threatened by Libyan Government

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 13, 2017


We Europe now.

The Jewish media hides the fact that Libya is as angry as white racists about the blacks flowing through their country.

These NGOs that claim to be “rescuing” people are in fact trafficking them – they communicate with the traffickers in Libya and them pick the “refugees” up a mile off the coast.

None of these countries are at war. They are refugees from “poverty.” Although they are all looking very well-fed. And they have iPhones.

It’s a taxi service.

The Libyans don’t want all of these blacks going through their country to get the NGO taxi. They don’t have the stability of government to control their Southern border since Gaddaffi got taken out by

Would you want a bunch of blacks flooding through your zones?


Three NGOs have suspended migrant search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean citing threats from the Libyan Coast Guard, leaving what they describe as a “deadly gap” in the area.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said it would suspend search and rescue activity of its ship, ‘Prudence,’ saying on Saturday that the vessel would cease operations because of “hostility” from Libya.

Save the Children and Sea Watch on Sunday also suspended their ongoing rescue operations in the Mediterranean over the same safety fears.

Libyan authorities announced a new search and rescue zone off its coast earlier this week, which MSF says extends into international waters.

Libya has restricted the access of humanitarian vessels carrying out rescues in international waters, as part of a bilateral attempt with Italy to control the flow of illegal migration across a Mediterrenean channel between the two countries.

MSF said the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) warned the NGO of the security risks associated with threats made by the Libyan Coast Guard to search and rescue vessels.

“European states and Libyan authorities are jointly implementing a blockade on the ability of people to seek safety,” Brice de le Vingne, MSF’s director of operations, said. “This is an unacceptable assault on people’s lives and dignity.”

Seek safety from living in a shack with a 2 generations old smartphone in the Sudan.

Refugees from donkey-herding.

By living on welfare in Europe.

MSF’s Loris De Filippi told Reuters the Libyan Coast Guard demanded the NGOs leave an area as big as hundreds of kilometers around its coast, where it had previously been allowed to carry our search and rescue.

Catalan NGO Practiva Open Arms accused the Libyan Coast Guard of firing warning shots at its boat and threatening the crew last week.

Sea Watch’s founder, Michael Busch Heuer, announced it would suspend its rescue missions and accusedLibya of issuing an “explicit threat” against NGOs in the area.

“The reason for this is the changed security situation in the Western Mediterranean, after the Libyan government announced an indefinite and unilateral extension of their territorial waters – in connection with an explicit threat against the private NGOs,” Busch Heuer wrote on Facebook on Sunday.

“Under these circumstances, a continuation of our rescue work is not currently possible. It would be irresponsible towards our crews,” he added.

Italy began training and supporting the coast guard of the UN-backed Libyan government in Tripoli last week, in an effort to increase its ability to intercept migrant boats and send them back to Libya.

The Libyans know they won’t stay in Libya. They’ll just go home.

And then more won’t come.

So they want the boats returned to their shores.

But these NGOs are backed by Jews trying to replace the population of Europe.

But this is their argument:

“If humanitarian ships are pushed out of the Mediterranean, there will be fewer ships in the area to rescue people from drowning,” Annemarie Loof, MSF’s operational manager, said.

“Those who will not drown will be intercepted and brought back to Libya, which we know is a place of lawlessness, arbitrary detention and extreme violence.”

Then why did they go there in the first place?

Oh, to go to Europe.

Because you are taxing them there.

Need a drank.

The NGOs are responsible for any deaths at sea, because these people have been told they will get a free ride to free everything.

While these NGOs are backing out, the Libyan authorities have embraced the help from the C-Star, a nationalist ship trying to cockblock the invasion.