Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2015

America, known worldwide to be the greatest country which ever existed ever in history, has once again proved its greatness: the heroic warrior Darren Wilson, who did his patriotic duty and executed a feral Negro who had just robbed a Paki store for cigars, will not be charged with “civil rights violations” by the Planet of the Apes Occupation Government.

This proves that the Constitution laid down by our Founding Fathers is stronger than any Negro occupation and smarter than Jews.
Let freedom ring.
The federal investigation into the shooting death of black Ferguson, Mo., teenager Michael Brown has yielded insufficient evidence to support criminal charges against white officer Darren Wilson, two U.S. officials said Wednesday.
The investigation into the shooting, which prompted months of unrest, was largely completed weeks ago, said the officials, who were not authorized to speak publicly.
The case is now in the hands of federal prosecutors and a final decision is expected sometime before Attorney General Eric Holder leaves office in the next several weeks. The timing of his departure is dependent on the confirmation of nominee Loretta Lynch, who is scheduled for hearings next week before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Authorities have long acknowledged that the standard for bringing a federal case against Wilson, who has since resigned, would be difficult to meet.
Prosecutors must prove that Wilson intended to violate Brown’s civil rights in the fatal August shooting. A local St. Louis County grand jury elected not to charge Wilson late last year. And reports have been circulating for months, beginning with an October Washington Post report that federal charges were unlikely.
Justice spokeswoman Dena Iverson declined comment.
The New York Times reported late Wednesday afternoon that federal prosecutors had begun drafting a memo recommending no civil rights charges in the case.
Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Michael Brown’s family, told USA TODAY on Wednesday that neither he nor the Brown family had been informed of the Justice Department’s decision.
“The last we heard from them, they were still investigating,” Crump said. “We won’t respond to rumors and speculation because it’s too much to put the family through. They have already been through enough.”
This country was here before we were taken over by Jews and Negroes, and it will be here after.
Darren Wilson, we salute you.
Now Darren Wilson is free to run for President in 2016, and we shall finally clean up these filthy streets.