Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 31, 2015
Kyle Rogers sent me a rather rude email, and asked me to stop posting articles from the Council of Conservative Citizens.

I responded to Kyle’s email asking him if he was certain he wanted us to cease driving traffic to his site and he did not bother to respond.
I find it very difficult to believe he was unaware of our aggregation of CofCC articles, as it is something we’ve done since the site was launched a year and a half ago. The suggestion that we were attempting to Jew him over in such a way that a threat of litigation is needed is deeply personally insulting, given how much I’ve supported him and his organization. My intention was to support them in the reposting of the material from his site, thereby driving traffic to a fellow pro-White internet hub which receives a fraction of the traffic than we do.
But I guess it was only real in my mind.
The way we reposted his articles is the same way we repost anyone’s articles – in a “byline” at the top of the page with contains a link to the source. This is only the second time we have ever had anyone ask for an article to be removed – the first time was from Paul Weston’s organization, and he later apologized and said he had been unaware that one of his staff sent the notice, and invited us to continue to share his material.
Just to be clear, I am not engaging in “infighting” here, as I have no issue with the CofCC, and will continue to endorse them as an organization, continue to support the activism of Kyle Rogers which I have always found to be good. I am posting this to let people know why we have stopped posting CofCC material (because people have asked), as well as to – hopefully – encourage more solidarity than we are presently seeing in the movement. I do not believe that sending each other legal threats is a proper way to go about formulating solidarity.
I appreciate the work of Kyle Rogers and hold him in high esteem, which is why I was promoting him in the first place, and regret that his material will no longer be featured on this site.
It is of the utmost importance that we work together, as that is the only way we will ever accomplish anything. We are being given so many opportunities now, there is simply no excuse for allowing ego to take precedence in the struggle for White liberation.
*NOTE: This is not sarcastic. I am linking the email only so that if people wish to, they can drop Kyle a line and inform him that they enjoyed the CofCC articles being shared here. Also maybe say “it is good for people to work together” or something along those lines. I think a big part of the issue is that people don’t understand that our message is appealing, and instead look down upon us.
OTHER NOTES: Maybe commenters are right and I should have never mentioned this publicly at all. A couple people asked why I stopped posting CofCC. I don’t think this is infighting, as I have nothing against Kyle Rogers. I was disappointed in the email and personally offended because I have made such an effort to support the site, which I think is a very good site.