Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2015

I think some people may be overly invested in the Putin-Russia-Ukraine issue.
The worst thing that can happen if we support Putin and it turns out he is part of some Jew plot is that people will be disappointed. Meanwhile if Putin is not part of some Jew plot, and people attack him all over the internet, this could somehow have a real life effect in that this rhetoric could spread through into the ears of people who are actually involved in nationalist movements connected to the Kremlin. And as you are aware, every major nationalist organization in Europe is now connected to the Kremlin, including the Golden Dawn, Jobbik, NPD and FN.
Also, the Ukraine is definitely not a country. It is just an historical fact that it isn’t. There is no matter of opinion there. There is simply no historical period in history when the Ukraine was a country. The various parts of it were always controlled by either Russia, Austro-Hungaria or the Turks.
People will then say that saying the Ukraine is not a country is like Israel saying Palestine is not a country, but that isn’t what it is. It would actually be like if the Ottoman Empire still existed, and they said Palestine is not a country. Presumably that distinction makes sense to people and we can go ahead and say goodbye to that weird meme.
And even if it was a country, I don’t understand why anyone would support a bunch of American, Euro and Israeli Jews helping a bunch of Ukrainian Jews overthrow a country so they could give them loans and build military bases to threaten Russia.
What can possibly be gained from supporting these people, and what can possibly be lost by being against them?
Plus, who even cares? The Ukraine is one of the poorest non-African countries in the world, and all of it’s infrastructure and industry was built and maintained by Russians or Hungarians. What could possibly be the plan there?
I’m not even trying to be callous toward the people of the Ukraine here.
What if a bunch of Jews went into Virginia and arranged a violent paid mob to firebomb the cops, then did a false flag shooting of protesters, then told the Virginians they were now their own country, then installed Virginian Jews to run the country, then started giving them loans and preparing to build a bunch of military bases there so they could aim missiles at Washington?
You know what, even while I know that basically the entire US government is controlled by Jews, I would be against that, and I would support the US government attempting to help Virginians who didn’t want to be a part of the new and independent Jew-controlled country militarily.
And Get This
No one in the Ukraine territory actually wants the Ukraine to become some sort of independent country. The East, obviously, wants to remain a province of Russia, while the West wants to join the EU and reunite with their old Catholic masters. The only people who were claiming the Ukraine should be an independent country were the Jews who found a bunch of high-testosterone teenagers and paid them 50 dollars a day to throw a coup. Pravy Sektor is not an actual thing – it’s leadership is Jew and the vast majority of its rank and file are paid mercenaries.

This is how retarded this whole thing is. People are apparently still posting on websites saying “go Right Sector! Save the White Race from the conspiracy mastermind Putin!” while they are fully aware that it is run by Jews and staffed by mercenaries.
And just to reiterate: support or lack of support for Vladimir Putin among people who are not Russian is largely unimportant, and it would be much better if people who are on one or the other side of this issue simply agreed to disagree.
I am obviously pro-Putin, for a laundry list of reasons I won’t repeat here, but I am not blind to the fact that he is not the greatest guy ever, or that something he could do in the future could end up being bad. What I am saying is, look at what he is actually doing now and then go from there.
You have to respect what the man has accomplished, whatever the case.