Noble Hero Roy Moore is a True American Nationalist!

Daily Stormer
December 11, 2017

Noble hero Roy Moore, riding to White America’s rescue!

Roy Moore has been rustling those leftist Jimmies like no one since Glorious Leader himself, and it just gets better and better every day!

CNN politics:

Alabama Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore appeared on a conspiracy-driven radio show twice in 2011, where he told the hosts in an interview that getting rid of constitutional amendments after the Tenth Amendment would ‘eliminate many problems’ in the way the US government is structured.

Damn right it would! If you eliminated every amendment after the tenth, not only would it end this nonsense of having US senators elected by voters, instead of chosen by state legislatures, as seems to be the main thrust of this article, you would also eliminate the right of women and non-White males to vote, and return the Negro to his proper constitutional designation as three-fifths human!

The host agreed with Moore, before turning his attention to the 14th Amendment, which was passed during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War and guaranteed citizenship and equal rights and protection to former slaves and has been used in landmark Supreme Court cases such as Brown v. Board of Education and Obergefell v. Hodges.

“People also don’t understand, and being from the South I bet you get it, the 14th Amendment was only approved at the point of the gun,” the host said.

“Yeah, it had very serious problems with its approval by the states,” Moore replied.

That’s right folks, the feds had to literally put guns to the heads of our representatives to get them to act like Blacks should be considered equals, even after the Civil War.

Alabama’s special election for Senate, in which Moore is facing Democrat Doug Jones, will be held Tuesday. Moore’s controversial views on a variety of subjects — including homosexuality, Islam, and evolution — have come into sharper focus in the final days of the campaign, even as Moore has had to deal with multiple accusations from women who say that he sexually assaulted or pursued relationships with them as teenagers when he was in his 30s. Moore has denied all allegations.

Moore also faced criticism for comments he made in September at a campaign rally. According to the Los Angeles Times, when asked by a black member of the audience when he thought the last time America was great, Moore answered, “I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”

Now that’s a bold statement! Of course, Moore is 1488% correct in this assertion. America was great then, for many reasons. Prominent among them is the fact that family was important and niggers were neither free, nor considered equal to us in any respect.

It is just this sort of unabashed honesty that has set the establishment hacks of both parties against Roy Moore.

But wait, there’s more!

Moore invoked Adolf Hitler in a discussion about Obama’s birth certificate.

“Now let me ask you a question. You think that Barry Soetoro — oh I’m sorry, Barack Obama — you think you could get the security clearance that you got,” a host asked.

“Well, I don’t know about that. I don’t know. I haven’t, I haven’t explored that. But my personal opinion. My personal opinion –,” Moore responded.

“I think his dog could get a security clearance easier, the dog’s got papers,” the host interjected.

“I know what you mean Jack,” Moore said.

The host then said that when he was in the military, Obama’s documentation would not suffice to get him on a submarine.

Moore responded, “Well that’s, that’s a problem. You know Hitler once said, ‘you tell a big enough lie long enough, people to believe it.’ And that’s that’s the problem. We’ve got to look at simple facts of the case, and we need to recognize we need a new administration in Washington. And it just doesn’t, based upon party, we need like people that uphold the Constitution not undermine it.”

That’s right, in a discussion of our former African dictator, Moore used Hitler’s “big lie” quote, and actually used it correctly, rather than claiming it meant Hitler was admitting to be a big liar all the time, as our politicians and (((media))) always do.

No more faggot cakes!

No more faggot marriage!

No more women and niggers voting!

No more misquoting Hitler!

If you support this platform, then you must support Roy Moore!