Non-Fat 45-Year-Old BBC Reporter Gets Serious Stroke, Can’t Function Anymore

Strokes are a small price to pay for safety from a very deadly virus.

Yes, more people are dying or being seriously maimed from the alleged vaccine than ever died from “Covid,” which was just a rebranding of the flu.

However, everyone would prefer to die than have the curse that is the coronavirus.

This woman should be thanking Pfizer for her massive debilitating stroke.


45-year-old BBC presenter Jennie Gow has revealed that she has suffered a “serious stroke” that has left her struggling to speak and even write.

Gow, who presents Formula One racing for the British public broadcaster and also appears regularly on Netflix series Drive To Survive, disclosed her medical woes in identical social media posts shared on Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram and Elon Musk’s Twitter.

“My husband is helping me type this, as I’m finding it hard to write and my speech is most affected,” she continued, adding that she was “desperate to make a full recovery and return to work, but it might take some time.”

If she does recover, something else will happen.

These people are now all gigantic health risks. They made the decision to inject themselves with this experimental gene therapy, knowing it had effectively zero safety trials, and now we’re all forced to live with the consequences of that totally insane decision.