Non-White Cop Convicted for Serial Rape

Daily Stormer
December 11, 2015

Oh, poor baby. Guess you shouldn't have done those rapes.
Oh, poor baby. Guess you shouldn’t have done those rapes.

It isn’t clear what race he is, but it’s clear he doesn’t belong in our great nation.


A former Oklahoma City police officer has been convicted of sexually assaulting women he preyed upon in a low-income neighborhood he patrolled.

A jury convicted Daniel Holtzclaw of four charges of first-degree rape and 14 other counts. He sobbed while hearing the verdicts Thursday, his 29th birthday. He could spend the rest of his life in prison, based on the jury’s recommendation he serve 263 years.

The mother of his youngest accuser, who was 17, said the case should demonstrate the problem of sexual misconduct by officers isn’t limited to one police department.

“It’s a problem for the nation,” the mother told the Associated Press.

Holtzclaw was charged with 36 counts for incidents from December 2013 to June 2014. He was fired in January 2015. He was convicted of 18 counts connected to eight women, all of whom were black and who testified against him.

Holtzclaw’s case was among those examined in an Associated Press investigation of sexual misconduct by law enforcement, a subject that police chiefs have grappled with for years. The yearlong probe revealed about 1,000 officers had lost their licenses for sex crimes or other sexual misconduct in a six-year period.