Daily Stormer
September 22, 2013
![Not sure what race this guy is, but he needs to be sent the the hell back to where he came from. (Picture with [name and face removed after reasonable request], from his Facebook profile.)](/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Aerin-A.-Reardon-11.jpg)
He had allegedly taken her to a parking lot and threatened her with arrest if she did not have sex with him. He was charged with first degree kidnapping, impersonating a police officer and fourth degree sexual assault.
Reardon appears to be of West Asian origin. His rape method is more clever than the old grab-her-off-the-street method of American blacks, but this case shows, yet again, that all nonwhites are a threat to our women, and should be ejected from our society posthaste.
“Exotic dancers” are exactly the kind of women who will always report rape, as they tend to hardened to that sort of thing; who knows how many other women, who were too ashamed to report it, Reardon violated before this?
Indeed, as tends to be the case with nonwhite men, Reardon had a clear obsession with White women, as evidenced by the fact that all of the pictures on his Facebook profile (which he should have thought to delete, or at least set to private, before allegedly committing a rape he was sure to get caught for – he’s in jail now and can’t do it) feature him posed with White women.
Though it is always disgusting to see these girls posed with such a creature as this, we must remember the degree of programming they have been subjected to by the Jewish entertainment media apparatus. They actually believe that ‘race doesn’t exist’ and that nonwhites are ‘just the same as us,’ and don’t realize that beyond destroying the genetic heritage of their ancestors, they are also putting themselves in grave danger.