Now Take These Dangerous Experimental Pills, You Dirty Goyim Pig

Take the pills.


For the first time on Wednesday, federal drug regulators gave emergency approval to an antiviral pill produced by Pfizer to treat COVID-19 in persons over the age of 12.

The Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization to the pill, called Paxlovid, which has shown in clinical trials to dramatically reduce the likelihood of hospitalization and deaths in coronavirus patients.

Further, the clinical studies observed mostly only mild side effects from the drug.

The FDA authorization makes the pill available to adults and children who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are considered likely to become severely ill. That includes older adults and those with heart disease and obesity.

Under the FDA authorization, children must weigh at least 88 pounds to qualify to take the medication.

Albert Bourla might have crucified the savior of mankind, but he really loves mankind.

That’s why you have to take these pills.

Take these pills.

Trust The Science.

They’re safer than OxyContin.

Or at least they’re in the same safety range.


Who knows?

They’re experimental emergency pills because of the Omicron.

No one even knows what this shit is.

Take these pills.