NRA in Deep Financial Trouble After Concerted Kike Campaign to Shut the Goyim Down

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 6, 2018

Once they get the guns, how much worse will things get?

I don’t want to find out.

Rolling Stone:

The National Rifle Association warns that it is in grave financial jeopardy, according to a recent court filing obtained by Rolling Stone, and that it could soon “be unable to exist… or pursue its advocacy mission.” 

The reason, according to the NRA filing, is not its deep entanglement with alleged Russian agents like Maria Butina. Instead, the gun group has been suing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the state’s financial regulators since May, claiming the NRA has been subject to a state-led “blacklisting campaign” that has inflicted “tens of millions of dollars in damages.”

In the new document — an amended complaint filed in U.S. District Court in late July — the NRA says it cannot access financial services essential to its operations and is facing “irrecoverable loss and irreparable harm.”

Specifically, the NRA warns that it has lost insurance coverage — endangering day-to-day operations. “Insurance coverage is necessary for the NRA to continue its existence,” the complaint reads. Without general liability coverage, it adds, the “NRA cannot maintain its physical premises, convene off-site meetings and events, operate educational programs … or hold rallies, conventions and assemblies.” 

They’ve been no-platformed.

What does this remind me of?

Oh yes, it reminds me of the same situation facing the Alt-Right. They took that model – a deplatforming model developed against “racists” and then said “guns are the new racism,” and brought it down on them.

This is what is called “the slippery slope” and it is why we have the First Amendment. And the Second. 

It gets worse:

In addition to its insurance troubles, the NRA court filing also claims that “abuses” by Cuomo and the New York State Department of Financial Services “will imminently deprive the NRA of basic bank-depository services … and other financial services essential to the NRA’s corporate existence.

No bank accounts for you, goy.

Again… very familiar.

Never forget, this happened not only after the crisis actor David Hogg became the Jewsmedia’s ultra meme, but also after /ourlad/ Wayne LaPierre, the head of the NRA, gave a speech calling out the Jews as gun grabbers.

Also came after NRA spokesperson Princess Dana quoted Goebbels in a YouTube video where she basically threatened to hunt down and lynch Jews.

The NRA and the Daily Stormer are linked at the hip. We are sister organizations. The number 1 source of new recruits for the NRA has always been the Daily Stormer.

That’s why the kikes are trying to shut them down, after they tried to shut the Stormer down.

Trump needs to intervene here.

The kikes can’t just financially torpedo organizations they disagree with like the Daily Stormer or the NRA.

It is not “freedom” when an elite ethnic minority group that controls the overwhelming majority of finance and industry is allowed to target whoever they want for destruction.

Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.