NRA Says Gun Ownership is a Fundamental Human Right

The NRA was the only thing standing between you and these Jewish gun-grabbers, and the NRA has been totally neutered.

People think that guns shoot themselves. A large number of people think this, because the media said it over and over and over again, and a lot of people in this retarded, fake country will believe something if they hear it on the media enough times, regardless of what it is.

They’re doing child trannies in the public schools in secret. You think they can’t take your guns?

The government can literally do whatever it wants because of the way it works with the media.

Look at this lede.

The Hill:

National Rifle Association (NRA) officials dismissed calls for stricter gun laws on Friday during their annual convention, which is taking place in Houston, a city less than 300 miles from the Texas school shooting that claimed the lives of 19 children and two adults earlier in the week.

NRA head Wayne LaPierre told his group’s members that the Uvalde mass shooting “should never happen again” but rejected gun control proposals, calling gun ownership a “fundamental human right.”

His remarks indicate that Tuesday’s massacre has done nothing to shift the group’s long-standing opposition to any gun restrictions, including expanded background checks and a ban on assault-style weapons.

“Restricting the fundamental human right of law-abiding Americans to defend themselves is not the answer. It never has been,” LaPierre said.

Instead, LaPierre called for additional security at schools, changes to the criminal justice system and new funding to “fix our nation’s broken mental health system” to stop future school shootings.

“We need to protect our schools, because our children deserve at least, and in fact more protection than our banks, stadiums and government buildings … so that every school has a comprehensive security program tailored specifically to that school to meet its security needs,” he said.

Over a pre-recorded video message to NRA members, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) reiterated talking points from NRA officials that new gun laws will not prevent individuals from breaking the law.

“There are thousands of laws on the books across the country that limit the owning or using of firearms, laws that have not stopped madmen from carrying out evil acts on innocent people in peaceful communities,” Abbott said.

I’ve pretty much concluded that it is the government doing all of these shootings – one way or another.

Related: Just Answer the Question, Ted: Why Do These Mass Shootings Only Happen in America?

But even if the shootings were totally organic events – what does that have to do with anything? This is like saying that because someone projectile vomited on the gears of large electronic machine and caused it to explode and kill children, you’re not allowed to buy food. Guns are literally a human right. The fact that gay countries in the world ban people from having guns doesn’t change that fact.

The media is not mentioning in these articles that the NRA is being sued six ways to Sunday and has already declared bankruptcy.

More: the bankruptcy didn’t work and the courts are allowing for even more lawsuits against them.

This is no longer a powerful organization, because this country is lawless and judges can allow for you to be sued into oblivion for advocating for the Constitution.

Gun control is the only issue in the country that the Republican Party still sides with the people on, and they are about to lose that fight like they’ve lost every single fight since the 1960s.

But hey – Dan Crenshaw is going to win his mission to send your kids to die in the Ukraine for anal sex in child’s schools, just like he won his mission to send billions of dollars in weapons to flood the streets of Europe while your guns are being taken.

Argh, ya land lubber! Blimey! Batten down the hatches and set sail for the Ukraine! Ho, we’re off to find the AIPAC treasure*!

The Republicans can’t do anything about guns, but they’ll sure as hell deliver that world war you asked for. Many of these moron Republicans literally asked for a world war.

*Joke stolen from Nick Fuentes