NRA Pressured to Force Out Ted Nugent Due to Jew Hurt Feelings

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2016


Insiders say that in response to the drama, rather than apologizing Ted is planning on releasing a new single entitled “Kike Gas Fever.”

This Ted Nuget Facebook drama has turned into a huge spectacle.

On Monday, he posted evidence that gun control is a Jew agenda. He then refused to apologize and doubled down on it.

This is the first time someone has refused to apologize to Jews. Now they are starting the official process of ruining his life by taking away everything he cares about.

Huffington Post:

The National Rifle Association came under increasing pressure Tuesday to distance itself from longtime NRA board member Ted Nugent, after he posted photos of prominent Jewish Americans who he claimed were “really behind gun control.”

Note that no one is responding to whether or not the statement is true, but simply said that it is evil to say it.

The photos are overlaid with Israeli flags and anti-Semitic labels. For instance, the image of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) is captioned “Gave Russian Jew Immigrants your tax money,” while former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is tagged as “Jew York City mayor Mikey Bloomberg, Nanny State trouble maker and 9/11 Israeli agent.”

According to the Anti-Defamation League, the same hateful image has been circulating on anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi websites for some time. Nugent’s post and his accompanying rant are now drawing greater attention to it.

A longtime gun rights activist and conspiracy theorist, Nugent has served on the board of the NRA since 1995. Best known for his hit 1977 song, “Cat Scratch Fever,” he has gained new fame in recent years for espousing controversial and at times racist political opinions.

But Nugent’s latest rant has sparked an unusual backlash — from pro-gun writers, Jewish gun owners and groups that typically avoid wading into the gun rights debate.

The authors of two popular websites for gun enthusiasts denounced Nugent. Robert Farago, founder of The Truth About Guns, wrote Tuesday that the NRA “should distance itself from Mr. Nugent. They should revoke his membership and remove him from their Board.”

Bob Owens, editor of the site Bearing Arms, said Tuesday, “Many people are calling for [Nugent] to resign from the NRA Board and for him to have his membership stripped from him. While I think forcing him out of the NRA entirely is a bit much, I do think he owes the world a sincere apology. If he can’t find that sincerity in his heart, then he has no business being on the board of an inclusive organization such as the National Rifle Association.”

Prostate thy self before the Chosen Ones, oh goyim.

Say that it is impossible for Jews to ever do anything that can be criticized by anyone, ever, and maybe we’ll let you keep your life.

Instead of apologizing, the musician posted a second anti-Semitic photo, perpetuating the lie that European Jews did not resist the Holocaust. He compared those who died at Nazi hands to “soulless sheep.”

On Facebook, Jewish gun owners, some of them fans of Nugent’s music and of the NRA, excoriated the aging rocker.

Jewish human rights groups also denounced Nugent, while taking care to maintain a neutral stance on the gun rights debate. The conservative-leaning Simon Wiesenthal Center demanded an apology.

“Ted Nugent has every right to advocate against gun control laws. However he won’t be getting a free pass for his anti-Semitic bigotry,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Wiesenthal Center, in a statement. “There are Jews on both sides of the gun control controversy and Nugent knows it. He owes our community an apology. He can start by removing the offensive graphic and if he won’t, we urge Facebook to do it for him.

Nugent’s post “is nothing short of conspiratorial anti-Semitism,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League. “Regardless of one’s views on gun control, this kind of scapegoating of an entire religious group is completely unacceptable and completely divorced from reality.”

You’re crazy, goyim, just crazy! The fact that all major gun control advocates are Jews means absolutely nothing! It’s just a complete coincidence!

I’ve gotta give it to Ted. I expected an apology within hours. Instead he is just straight trolling these Jews.

ted nugent auschwitz

Everyone with Facebook please send this picture to Ted and see if you can get him to repost it.

It’s fantastic. He has nearly three million follows on Facebook, and many, many more millions are seeing this meme proving Jew gun control as it has turned into a media spectacle.

It will be interesting to see what happens next. If Ted continues to refuse to prostate himself, he will absolutely be forced out of the NRA.

If Jews do force him out of the NRA, it is likely that he will end up becoming a public critic of organized Jewry. I don’t think he is particularly intelligent (I don’t mean that offensively, it’s just an observation), and I suspect he had no idea that there was a Jewish shut down machine which will organize against you if you post a picture on the internet which they don’t like. Now that he knows about it, he is presumably angry.

Does he has the balls to ride the lightening?


By the way, the media hasn’t said it, but the original image was created by our friend incogman. The Israeli flags were added by someone else.