Ted Nugent Calls Out the Filthy Jew Gun-Grabbers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2016

Former rock star Ted Nugent just posted a meme calling out the Jews as gun-grabbing terrorists on his Facebook page.

Selection_999(682)Pretty cool guy, but I’m not sure he meant to post that. I’m not sure how he could have accidentally not noticed all those Israeli flags. But he just doesn’t strike me as the type to come out against the Jews. I’ve seen a few interviews with him, and he comes across as very neo-conservative and pro-Israel (while also being right on most domestic issues).

Also, he had to have known there would be a backlash for this, so unless he’s planning on launching a full-on campaign against Jews, posting this one picture doesn’t mean anything because even if it was on purpose he’s going to be forced to come out and apologize and say it was an accident, or that he didn’t really mean it, or whatever.

The time stamp at time of writing says “3 hours ago.” The ADL has already put out a press release demanding he take down the image.

The NY Daily News has an article about it which is marked “2 hours ago” by Google news. These people are always on it.

Funny that the post is still up, but he’s probably out doing dough-nuts in a pick-up truck or something, and will be apologizing as soon as he hears the news Jews have hurt feelings.

Of course, I hope I’m wrong and Ted doubles down with “someone has to stop these kikes.”