NYC: “Drug-User” Vending Machine Offering Free Meth Kits and Condoms has to be Refilled Twice a Week

When the American democracy government talks about “freedom,” this is what they’re referencing: free meth kits.

They want as many people high on drugs as possible. It’s called democracy.

New York Post:

The city’s drug-user supply vending machine is so popular, workers have to refill it twice a week — with some neighbors embracing it and others saying it causes trouble like users “laid out in front of it.”

Nearly four months after the introduction of the free machine — which offers everything from crack pipes to Narcan to condoms — drug users are still flocking to it to snap up supplies in Brooklyn, residents said.

“[It] goes very fast,” the super of a building near the machine in Brownsville told The Post. “They take what they want and leave.”

Some neighbors have accepted the contraption — which also spits out fentanyl test strips — as a necessary evil that helps save lives.

But other nearby residents said the contraption, which also dispenses so-called “meth kits” and “snorting kits,” have attracted folks who make them feel unsafe.

Of course, it’s a problem. A few weeks ago there was a man laid out in front of it,” said one woman, who lives across the street from the machine.

We never had that before,” she said. “We don’t want it there. That machine is a mess…I don’t feel safe. It needs to go.”

Well, bitch.

Maybe you should go live in communist China if you hate freedom so much.

This is a democracy and people are allowed to smoke meth.

They’ve been putting these up for a while.