NYT Reveals Michael Cohen was Running Standard Kike Scam – Zero to do with Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2018

The New York Times has a big article today on the whole Michael Cohen situation, which follows the revelation by that porn star’s race car driver that the same shell corporation that paid her received a shitton of money from a bunch of different companies.

The NYT is obviously fake news, but all this article is is a reading of the files that were released – probably illegally – by the race car guy. And apparently these documents are real, because AT&T and several other companies that transferred large amounts of money to Cohen have already admitted it (the lulzy thing is that they’re all saying he scammed them and had no useful information).

The framing of the article is a typical Jew narrative.

New York Times:

After paying off a pornographic film actress and doing other tasks to help his boss win the presidency, Michael D. Cohen was surprised to find that the doors to the White House were mostly closed to him.

Mr. Cohen did not land a hoped-for job in President Trump’s administration — he imagined himself as chief of staff — and in January last year he left the Trump Organization, where he had long served as the in-house fixer without a clear portfolio. But he managed to turn what looked like an exile into a lucrative opportunity.

Armed with the self-appointed title of “personal attorney” to the president, Mr. Cohen, who had served as a personal-injury lawyer and owned a taxi business, became seen as the man who could help others gain access to the seat of power that had been denied to him. Major corporations including AT&T, Novartis and the law firm Squire Patton Boggs collectively paid him over $2 million for advice about navigating the suddenly foreign terrain of Mr. Trump’s Washington.

So the Jew lawyer thought he was going to get a major role in the administration, and when he was scorned, he went rogue.

Actually… that is probably exactly what happened.

What he did was start offering himself as a consultant to companies whose lobbying departments had no idea how to deal with Trump. So he was taking these 6-figure sums from these companies to give “insight” into the Trump administration. Because the companies were all desperate to know what angle they should go at this guy from, and then this Jew lawyer is like “well, I’m an insider, let me tell you how this works…”

So far from the inexplicably bizarre suggestion of the race car driver that the Russians had to pay Trump’s hookers for him, we have a situation where Trump has apparently nothing at all to do with any of this.

And no clear law is being broken here – the media is saying the whole scam is legal – although presumably Trump himself could sue Cohen depending on what kind of information he was selling to these companies.

Funny – race car guy became confused when it turned out the files he released had nothing to do with bribes and were instead a weird consulting scam. I have no idea why he doesn’t have a team of lawyers consulting with him before tweeting.

Here’s where we finally got redpilled on what the files he released actually meant.

Yeah, it is WOW for sure, but it has nothing at all to do with any of your theories, and I don’t think it has to do with public corruption. “Consulting” is the wild, wild west. The Public Corruption division is involved for the reason we already know – because it was alleged that there was a campaign finance violation re: the Stormy payment.

And I still don’t understand where these files came from. Maybe I missed that, there’s a lot to follow here. But it obviously isn’t public record, and depending on how exactly you acquired them, you might find yourself getting called into the SDNY DA office here in the near future, Avenatti.

You should go back to racing cars, dude.

We got Ourselves a Flipper?

The NYT is coming at the angle that Cohen was betrayed by Trump, denied a prestigious position and instead forced to do gross mercenary consulting, so he needs to like, take revenge on Trump by “flipping.”

But what could he flip on?

Trump has been audited for like 15 years in a row, so there isn’t going to be any tax shit. And he’s made so much money publicly, legitimately, that there is no reason for him to have been involved in any kind of criminal operations. And Rudy has effectively proved already that the payments for Stormy came from a private account, so there is no campaign issue – if there is a campaign issue, it was based on Cohen fraudulently billing the campaign without Trump knowing about it, but it appears as if not even that happened.

And if Trump didn’t do anything illegal, but now presumably has reason to sue Cohen over this bizarre consulting scam, that gives Trump a lot more leverage than Cohen.

The only thing that could be in the Cohen files that I can imagine is more sex scandals. And okay. That sucks for Melania, and it especially sucks for Barron to have to hear about how Trump was (allegedly) cheating on his mom. That’s sad. But it’s hardly a gun to his head. The guy’s entire life has been a series of sex scandals. And the voters simply do not care. It’s looked at as an unfortunate, tragic part of a quirky personality.

So they could drop a boatload of hundreds of sex scandal payoffs and Trump could go up on stage at a rally and be like “yeah well, you know, frankly… the media is so dishonest, so dishonest these people.” And the people would be like “HAHA – that’s my Donald!”

So – All This Kikery

When he did the Syria strike, it coincided directly with the raid on Cohen.

I speculated that he was being blackmailed by whatever they got from Cohen – but at this point, I don’t even see what it could be.

Cohen’s big secret is this weird lobbyist consulting scam.

Maybe he is just worried about sex scandals.

But I mean – Alex Jones had the best take on that.

So where does this go from here?

What is going on with Trump and these Jews?

The Mueller thing is dead.

Russia conspiracy failed, obstruction failed, Stormy Daniels campaign violations failed, now the Cohen files have failed.

So… can we knock-off the kikery and MAGA now, Mr. President?