Ohio University Pays $400,000 for Harassing Anti-Tranny Professor

Sometimes I wonder if they give us these small victories to celebrate on purpose, so that we lose track of how badly we’re losing in the big picture.

Nonetheless, we should still thank God for small victories, while not losing track of the big picture.

Fox News:

An Ohio professor won $400,000 after suing a university over the academic institutions’ demand that the professor use a student’s preferred pronouns.

“The student approached me after class and said that he wanted to be referred to as a female, and I tried to find an accommodation with the student. I was willing to use his proper name, female proper name, and initially the administration was willing to go along with that, but then the administration changed course and demanded that I defer to the ideology, that I refer to the student as a female and I simply could not do that,” Shawnee State University professor Nick Meriwether told “America Reports.”

Meriwether said the university’s demand was an egregious assault on his freedom of speech and religious beliefs.

Video from 2019, when the debacle started

“I believe that God created men and women, male and female. But also the idea that my speech could be coerced, could be compelled by the administration … The college classroom is to be a place of debate and discussion and freewheeling ideas. The university has no place in telling professors how they are to think with the students. It was a coercion of my freedom of speech.”

Based in Portsmouth, Ohio, Shawnee State University, reportedly punished Meriwether in 2018 for not addressing a transgender student with the student’s preferred gender pronouns. The university said that it was Meriwether’s job to use such language and therefore not First Amendment-protected speech. Meriwether pushed back, arguing that officials at the university violated his rights when they compelled him to go against his Christian beliefs.

Meriwether was assisted and represented in court by Alliance Defending Freedom [ADF].

“After a three-year fight against the university, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit reportedly ruled in 2021 that Meriwether’s rights had been violated,” Fox 11 reported.

There’s a rising sense among normal people that the tranny thing has gone too far. It’s such an absurd and terrifying thing, that it really kind of exists to push the boundaries of what people will tolerate – especially when it comes to mutilating children.

What they basically did was throw out the worst possible thing in the form of trannies and child trannies, then this made everything possible. If you’ll tolerate trannies, you’ll tolerate anything. At the same time, because this is the vanguard of the ideological agenda, they can let up on it without actually losing anything.

They can force-vax people and start a war with Russia while people are standing with their jaws open, confounded by trannies.