Ol’ Man Sanders Throws Hat in the Ring – Is America Ready for Jewish Communism Yet?

Roy Batty and Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2018

He’s back!

And this time, America is ready for… Jewish communism!


US Senator Bernie Sanders says he will run again for president in 2020, making a second attempt to win the Democratic Party’s nomination.

The 77-year-old Vermont senator became a progressive political star in 2016 although he lost his candidacy bid.

In an email to supporters, he said it was time to complete the “political revolution” they had started.

An outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, Mr Sanders has described him as a “pathological liar” and “racist”.

Mr Sanders – an independent who caucuses with the Democrats – is one of the best-known names to join a crowded and diverse field of Democratic candidates, and early polls suggest he is far ahead. 

Bernie already folded once to the DNC machine.

They seem set on Kamala Harris – who has all the right qualities for a Democratic candidate. Need I list them? She’s brown, has a front hole and is married to a Jew – there.

Although this time… this time there are no superdelegates. And Americans have been meticulously groomed to accept a communistic agenda by the biggest new celebrity politician.

Bernie did have a lot of grassroots support back in the day as well. He might have been able to win the nomination if the DNC didn’t conspire against him. Maybe.

Brown people didn’t like him. But I’m pretty sure zero percent of them vote in primaries.

The problem for Bernie is not that America isn’t 10x more lubed up for communism than it was in 2016 – because it is. The problem for Bernie is that he’s no longer the only one with radical left-wing policies. There are plenty of candidates left of Mao now running in the primaries.

What makes Bernie special?

Is it that he sold his supporters out by endorsing Hillary even after he’d been raped by a DNC conspiracy?

I’m also pretty sure this picture of him driving a sportscar he bought with his supporters’ donations is real, even though it’s been debunked by Snopes.

I think some of his supporters might remember his epic cuck out and not have the same enthusiasm for the guy that they once had.

They’ll probably vote for the Chink offering them free money instead.

Literal free money. One thousand a month, straight from the government. 

This chink, I believe his name is Beeshus Wang, is promising that and all you have to do is vote for him.

Watch him on the Roe Jogan show for more details. (Just fast-forward through the part where they rape a child and sacrifice it to satan if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable).

Bernie is going to seize the means of production for the worker and then you’ll have to go slave away in an industrial nightmare factory and probably go to a gulag and die…

…Or you can get $1000 a month, straight up free.

Which would you choose? 

In conclusion…

*Ahem* *tink* *tink*

Fuck this old Jew and his faggot base lol.

I’d rather take the free money from the chink than this old liar Jew who won’t do shit when he and his soyboy team get into office.