Daily Slave
March 16, 2015

The past couple of weeks have certainly been interesting. The pro-White protest organized by the Traditionalist Youth Network against the Jewish White hating pig Tim Wise at Indiana University showed the true face of our political enemies. To be blunt, they are nothing but a bunch of wimps and faggots. They have no idea how to handle any sort of real opposition to their retarded Jewish ideas of Cultural Marxism.
Since their political ideologies are not based on any sort of fundamental logic, they are forced to resort to threats and violent behavior to silence dissent. Wise and his faggot Marxist supporters were the one’s threatening violence and in the end engaging in violence. One of Wise’s supporters was arrested for assaulting one of the pro-White activists and for punching a police officer in the balls. There were also reports of the anti-racist thugs throwing things and engaging in anti-social behavior. One member of this anti-racist goon squad was reported to have gotten so angry that he was literally foaming at the mouth and spitting all over the place. There was zero evidence that any Traditionalist Youth Network member or their supporters engaged in any violence despite unproven lies from our retarded political opponents.
A similar phenomenon occurred at Arizona State University where the National Youth Front has been protesting an anti-White class called “The Problem of Whiteness.” A teacher supporting the class named Robert Poe declared on video that he would engage in violence against White people if they organized politically. Poe was so irritated that his calls for violence were exposed that he literally challenged a National Youth Front member to a fight. This incident was also caught on video.
Like Wise and his motley crew of queers and degenerates, Poe also made unsubstantiated claims that the National Youth Front was calling for violence. This is comical considering we have him on video saying that he would advocate violence against White people if they organize politically. This type of hypocritical and mentally deranged behavior seems to be a common trait among our Jewish and Marxist enemies.
This is proof that we need to have more protests as it helps expose the utter hypocrisy of these fools. Over the next couple of weeks, Tim Wise is scheduled to speak at the following schools. If you are in the local area where he is speaking, please consider showing up to protest this disgusting Jewish agitator. It looks as if some people are already planning to pay Timmy a visit at his next speech in Charlotte. There’s also apparently some interest to protest his appearance at Alabama where he is speaking in front of a historically Black college.
3/25/15: Charlotte, NC Queens University of Charlotte
3/30/15: Huntsville, AL Oakwood University
4/7/15: New Orleans, LA Loyola University
4/10/15 – 4/11/15: Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
4/17/15: Fayetteville, AR University of Arkansas
4/23/15: St. Petersburg, FL YWCA of Tampa Bay
4/20/15: Bryn Mawr, PA Byrn Mayr Presbyterian Church
Beyond this, we need to look at protesting groups like the Anti-Defamation League, AIPAC and counter protesting any of these retarded Marxist oriented demonstrations which we will undoubtedly see over the summer. Our enemies are a bunch of wimps and faggots so there is nothing to fear from them.