Overwhelmed by Upsurge in Nazism, NAACP Scrambles to Change President

Daily Stormer
May 20, 2017

The new N.A.A.C.P. doesn’t need uncle toms, it needs tribal warlords.

The Jews have always had their “golem” – an artificial creature made of mud created to defend them while destroying their enemies.

In their myths, the golem is literally made of mud. But of course, in reality, the mud takes on a more metaphorical aspect.

Mythological golem.

The Jews have created a real golem workshop in the form of the NAACP, where they transform the shapeless mud that is Black people into a semi-sentient weapon against the White race.

Negroes, we’re your greatest allies. Now, go burn this bitch down!

As the Jews feel their war against the goyim come to a boiling point, they understand they need to step up their production of weaponized negroid savagery. Thus, the NAACP needs new leadership.

New York Times:

The national board of the N.A.A.C.P. voted Friday to dismiss the organization’s president, Cornell William Brooks, after only three years, pledging a “systemwide refresh” at the nation’s largest and most storied civil rights group in order to confront President Trump more vigorously.

Mr. Brooks, who said in an interview that he was “baffled” and saddened by the decision, will leave the organization at the end of June when his contract expires. The group will search for a new leader while Leon W. Russell, the chairman of the board, and Derrick Johnson, the vice chairman, head up day-to-day operations.

The sudden change at the top of the N.A.A.C.P. shows how the energy of liberal activists in the era of President Trump is forcing upheaval even in institutions like a century-old civil rights stalwart. Mr. Brooks was hardly reserved in his own activism. He was arrested in January for leading a sit-in at the Alabama office of Senator Jeff Sessions, trying to block his confirmation as attorney general.

“The energy of liberal activists.”

What does that even mean?

It’s not liberal activists who are “energized” – it’s Nazis.

On the contrary, liberals are getting more and more demoralized.

We’re taking over the streets at an unprecedented rate, destroying antifa everywhere we meet. Funding for Black terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter seems to have dried-up, and their activity along with it (or maybe they’re still being funded, and just spending the money on crack and hookers, because they’re bored with the whole bitch-burning thing).

This panicked move reeks of desperation.

But the board of the N.A.A.C.P. wants a new face of the organization. Mr. Russell and Mr. Johnson said the group needed to more effectively push back against Mr. Trump’s stances on issues like voting rights laws, public education, environmental policy and the criminal justice system. The group, which has been eclipsed in many ways by the more youthful Black Lives Matter movement and the broader opposition to Mr. Trump, is embarking on a listening tour of cities across the nation to get ideas about how it can remain relevant.

“We are in a transitional moment,” Mr. Johnson said. “This is the opportune time to begin to look at all our functions as an association and see, are we the right fit for the current reality?”

You’ll need to “transition” into axe-and-club-based activism if you want to serve your Jew masters.

For a few decades now, the N.A.A.C.P. has been more of a “suit and tie negro” type of organization, trying to push the meme that Black people were reasonable (although uppity) people who just wanted more gibs.

But this approach no longer has any purpose.

White men aren’t going to be shamed into giving away their birthright just because some primate whined and nagged about “White privilege.”

So the Jews are looking to “upgrade” the NAACP, presumably into some sort of violent street organization like BLM.

How did that work out the first time?